Failed Transactions

    Compare sushiswap action base on Failed transactions stats


    what we aim to provide here :

    • Failed TX number:

      a. Failed TX number per action

      b. Failed TX number per action over time

      c. cumulative Failed TX number per action over time

    • Failed TX rate:

      a. compare actions base on Failed TX rate


      b. Failed TX rate per action over Time


    SushiSwap Decentralized Exchange is introduced as a fork of UniSwap Decentralized Exchange. In fact, this exchange is a modified version of UniSwap, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain.


    with help of sushiswap router contract address we can find swap, adding and removing LP transactions and identity them base on origin functions:

    sushiswap router contract: 0xd9e1cE17f2641f24aE83637ab66a2cca9C378B9F

    swap: '0xfb3bdb41','0x38ed1739','0x18cbafe5','0x8803dbee','0x8803dbee'

    adding liquidity: '0xe8e33700','0xf305d719'

    remove liquidity: '0xded9382a','0x2195995c','0x02751cec'

    also with help of Masterchef Lp staking pool contract we can find staking and unstaking LP transactions:

    Masterchef Lp staking pool contract: 0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd

    staking LP: '0xe2bbb158'

    unstaking LP: '0x441a3e70'

    borrowing and lending transactions can be defined as transactions that origin to addresses of them are belongs to kashi addresses that are available on Ethereum

    We chose this analysis to include all the data available on Flipside from day one until now and our Timeframe will be weekly.

    Our analyses emphasize on comparison, so as much as possible, it is tried not to use single charts for each action


    • swap has the highest number of Failed Transactions with 359K TX
    • In the weekly stats also we see that All the weeks most of Failed Transactions belongs to swap action except the first weeks which belongs to staking LP
    • highest number of Failed TX belongs to Aug 31, 2020 week with more than 20K TX, most of them were staking LP
    • swap action has the highest rate with 14% higher than staking LP which come at the second rank with 10.4%
    • in the weekly stats, we can see that swap action had the highest rate most weeks and the highest Failed rate for swap was on Nov 2, 2020 week with 28.2%
    • We can see some few weeks that adding liquidity or staking/unstaking LP were the highest

    Thanks for your Time.

    Discord and Twitter : Abbas_ra21

    Date: 2022-10-03



    here we have failed transactions rate, with this parameter we can reduce the impact of factors such as the total number of transactions to a very good extent, so we can have a good and fair comparison.

    We can see that here also swap action has a lead with 14% higher than staking LP which come at the second rank with 10.4%. The lowest rate belongs to the lending and borrow actions with 6.6%

    in the weekly stats, we can see that swap action had the highest rate most weeks also we can see that the highest Failed rate for swap was on Nov 2, 2020 week with 28.2%

    We can see some weeks that adding liquidity had the highest rate such as Nov 8, 2021 with 24.9% or Jun 4, 2021 with 25%. Also, we can see some weeks that staking or unstaking Lp had the highest rate but with all that it is clear that most weeks swap action had the highest rate.



    we can see that swap has the highest number of Failed Transactions with 359K TX, This number is very large compared to other actions such as adding liquidity with 27K transactions almost 1000% higher. Although we must forget that swap action is the most popular among the actions that listed here, and it has the highest transactions (Failed and the success one) so this comparison base on this is not enough to give us the real and the good answer.

    In the weekly stats also we see that most of the weeks most of Failed Transactions belongs to swap action except the first weeks which belongs to staking LP, I think maybe there was issue or something because those number were very high for staking, but with help of cumulative Failed TX number we can see that after the first weeks the Failed TX number for staking/unstaking LP were very low and almost steady

    highest number of Failed TX belongs to Aug 31, 2020 week with more than 20K TX, most of them were staking LP.


    1. Failed TX Number

    2. Failed TX rate
