Increasing Positions

    Compare users terminating vs increasing positions over the last 30 days

    1. introduction

    Mean finance provide good platform for automatically DCA.

    They support polygon AND optimism network


    This graph shows us that most of the time The users increase their position with stablecoin AND specially USDC


    3. Method

    first we used the polygon.core.fact_event_logs and from it, we extract the action base on ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE

    increasing : ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE='0xded700a6' terminating : ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE='0x72ada4c5'

    then from event_input column we extract the value and perform some calculation on it to make this value clean and readable

    after that, divide each value to their asset

    This graph shows us users receiving back with mimatic most of the time and volume

    2. Questions

    1. how much the users increase their position?
    2. How much the users receive back after terminating?