Liquidity Providers Stats

    Analyze and evaluate Liquidity providers stats


    SushiSwap Decentralized Exchange is introduced as a fork of UniSwap Decentralized Exchange. In fact, this exchange is a modified version of UniSwap, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. This decentralized exchange was created in 2020 by a person or two groups with the nicknames Chef Nomi "Chef Nomi" and "0xMaki". Detailed information about the identity and characteristics of the creator or creators of Sushiswap is not available.

    In SushiSwap, liquidity is provided by users. In addition, those who provide liquidity in this DEX will receive 0.25% of the transaction fee. Sushi Swap uses this option to motivate users.

    Another way that users can earn money in the Sushi Swap exchange is by participating in the farms. In addition to providing liquidity in pools, people can provide liquidity in farms and receive SUSHI tokens in exchange.


    • the time duration for all daily analyzes except the profit correlation section is the last 365 day and for profit correlation is for all time that available in the tables

    • for liquidity providers stats and their average number of position, I used ethereum.core.fact_event_logs with contract address = 0xd9e1ce17f2641f24ae83637ab66a2cca9c378b9f, which is the SushiSwap: Router contract.

    • For Farmers stats, I used the ethereum.core.fact_event_logs table with contract address = 0xef0881ec094552b2e128cf945ef17a6752b4ec5d, which is the SushiSwap: MasterChef V2 contract

    • I assumed that liquidity from address that have label in ethereum.core.dim_dex_liquidity_pools table are owned by protocol and others are for related to retails

    • for Amount of liquidity providing and amount for farming, I used ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers


    • steps that I take to calculate the correlation between Profit and length of time :

      1. find date of first deposit for each user
      2. find date of last withdraw or harvest (for Farming) for each user
      3. calculate the profit (withdraw amount-deposit amount) for each user
      4. group the profit base on week difference between the first deposit date and the last one
    • for correlation between profit and Time of withdrawal or harvest (for farming) I did the same and group it base on date of withdrawal or harvest

    • if both of the two pools tokens are stable, then the pool is stable pool else is non-stable



    • At 976.31M $, 9 weeks had the highest Profit and was 430.70% higher than 14 weeks, which had the lowest Profit at -295.22M$.
    • 9 week length Time accounted for 23.68% of Profit.
    • Across all 23 length times, Profit ranged from -295.22M $ to 976.31M $.
    • At 1.08B $, September had the highest Profit, higher than Jun, which had the lowest Profit at -320.7M $.
    • We can see that most profit belongs to the near middle of length of Time (9 weeks) in this length most of the users takes their profit


    here, we aim to provide this analyzes:

    • daily and Total liquidity providers
    • average number of position per user (Total and daily)
    • daily decrease and increase in number of liquidity providers
    • Farmers/liquidity ratio (%) providers in Daily and Total
    • liquidity owned by protocol/retail ratio in Daily and Total for LP and Farm
    • profit correlation with withdrawal Time and Length of Time for both LP and Farm
    • profit correlation with type of pools (stable and non-stable)

    Thanks For your time

    Discord: Abbas_ra21



    • the ratio of (Farmers number/Liquidity providers number) in Total is 17%
    • highest daily ratio of (Farmers number/Liquidity providers number) is 59.94% and the lowest one is 5.88%
    • AMOUNT for retail (5,023,567.54) in Farming pools was higher than protocol (12,135.76) and retail accounted for 99.76% of AMOUNT.
    • AMOUNT for retail (26,945,846,264.95) in LP pools was higher than protocol (518,369,773.34) and retail accounted for 98.11% of AMOUNT.
    • The highest daily liquidity ratio (protocol/retail) for LP pools was 23.9% and for farming is 0.013%


    • number of Total liquidity for all time is 86.8K
    • Total liquidity providers has 84.62% decrease between Tuesday, August 24, 2021, and Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
    • Total liquidity providers started trending down on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, falling by 82.94% (243) in 7.20 months.
    • Number of Liquidity providers are much less in the second half of the year compare to first half
    • the average number of position for each user in total is 2.99
    • Average number of positions had a 2.45% increase between Tuesday, August 24, 2021, and Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
    • The highest percentage increase in LP providers is 188% on May 12, 2022, and the highest decrease is 49% on Apr 6, 2022
    • in daily number of LP, we can see clearly that there is massive downtrend and the Bear market had effect on this stats


    • number of Total liquidity for all time is 86.8K
    • the ratio of (Farmers number/Liquidity providers number) in Total is 17%
    • the average number of position for each wallet in total is 2.99
    • retail accounted for 99.76% of AMOUNT against protocol base on liquidity providing
    • retail accounted for 98.11% of AMOUNT against protocol base on Farming amount
    • The highest percentage increase in LP providers is 188% on May 12, 2022, and the highest decrease is 49% on Apr 6, 2022
    • For LP, 9 weeks had the highest Profit and was 430.70% higher than 14 weeks, which had the lowest Profit
    • For Farming, 8 weeks Time length had the highest Profit and was 3,733.07% higher than 12, which had the lowest Profit
    • We can see that most profit belongs to the near middle of length of Time
    • For LP, September had the highest Profit, higher than Jun, which had the lowest Profit
    • For Farming, December had the highest Profit and was 360.17% higher than September, which had the lowest Profit


    • At 26.4M $ December had the highest Profit and was 1,375% higher than July, which had the lowest Profit at 1.92M $.
    • At 25.15M $, 8 weeks Time length had the highest Profit and was 3,733.07% higher than 12, which had the lowest Profit at 656.23K $.
    • 8 weeks accounted for 19.93% of Profit.
    • We can see that most profit belongs to the near middle of length of Time (6 and 8 weeks) in this length most of the users takes their profit

    Information :

    • PROFIT for non-stable (1.23B $) was higher than stable (-1.81M $).


    • Non-stable accounted for 99.85% of PROFIT.
