Metamask vs. Other Platforms
Q1: How many users are swapping via MetaMask vs other platforms? Q2: How much volume have these users done? Analyze and compare transaction volume, average amount swapped, and fees in the last 60 days
this feature lounched on Oct 6, 2020 and from that time the users of metamask wallet can used it .
MetaMask will seek the best exchange rate for any given trade, accessing all the best-known places to conduct an exchange answer questions we choose to compare matamask with uniswap & sushiswap
2.Note that for better answer, I exclude ALL Metamask TX_HASH from the uniswap And sushiswap data
3.The total volume and daily volume of Metamask calculate with ez_token_transfers table, for uniswap and sushiswap I used ethereum.udm_events
4-To receive the gas fee data for, I used the fact_transactions table on Ethereum
the above table show us number of users of three platforms. the users of other platforms does not include the users who swap with metamask
this table have the three important data which is the total volume of thee platforms
1-the daily average GAS fee of Metamask in the most of the time higher than other two platform
2-although number of users in metamask is higher but in the Total volume part sushiswap has a better number