Alexayquix. sales
    Updated 2022-08-04

    prices as ( select hour as hourly, 'OP' as symbol, price
    from optimism.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where symbol in ('OP')
    select hour as hourly, 'ETH' as symbol, price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where symbol in ('WETH')),

    nft_sales as ( select date_trunc('hour', s.block_timestamp) as hourly, s.nft_address,
    case when s.currency_address = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042' then 'OP' else s.currency_address end as symbol,
    d.project_name, s.tx_hash, s.seller_address, s.buyer_address, s.price
    from optimism.core.ez_nft_sales s
    join optimism.core.dim_labels d on
    s.nft_address = d.address
    where event_type = 'sale' and platform_name = 'quixotic'),

    nft_daily as ( select n.hourly, n.symbol, n.project_name, n.tx_hash, buyer_address, (n.price*p.price) as nft_sales_usd
    from nft_sales n
    left join prices p on
    n.hourly = p.hourly and n.symbol = p.symbol)

    select count(tx_hash) as units_sold
    from nft_daily
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