Optimism Bridge Analysis
This dashboard has seven visuals that try to analysis the Optimism bridge over period of time.
List of the these sections is:
- Daily bridgers
- Daily volume bridged (USD)
- Optimism bridged (by token)
- Total transactions to Optimism standard bridge
- Ave volume, bridge and user count by bridge type
- Top 10 projects transfer ETH to optimism by volume
- Daily swaps and swappers on optimism
For accomplishing this sections above I used these tables:
- ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
- ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
- optimism.core.dim_labels
- ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
In May 31 and Sep 23 number of bridgers dramatically increased.
In June 1 number of bridgers considerably rose.
ETH is the most token that bridged.
According to the vis 7 the most used bridged with substantial amount of volume of bridged is HOP protocol. (except standard bridge)
Using Optimism chain gradually go up during time. Although it faced some modest fluctuate.
- In the beginning of the June number of swappers rose up singnificantly.
- According to ==vis5== user prefer to use standard optimism bridge and HOP bridge than Across bridge.
- In August 1 figure of transactions increased substantially over than 10K.
- In end of the september figure of bridgers considerably increased.
- Although the daily volume of bridged by USD had a massive spike on first of the June, the trend plummeted dramatically.
- Daily swapper also plunged heavily after early June.