11. To Farm or Not to Farm?

    What percentage of LP’er are farming their SLP tokens vs. holding them? Show the current stats, and the stats over time and by pool.



    Based on the top holders in Etherscan, 27% of Sushi is in the staking contract.

    In contrast, SushiSwap only has 2% of the SUSHI in the Pool and Binance has 8% of the SUSHI Tokens.


    Pool Stats



    If we look at the recent months, there has been a net remove their LP from the WETH/SUSHI Pool which is the biggest sushi pool. Probably not a good sign.


    Same for the total amount of LP left in the Pool. I guess people are moving on the greener pastures. (Negative values are due to impermeant loss as the pool weights change when people swap into the pool)


    There's more people staking SLP as compared to putting them into LP Pools. Price has probably bottomed out.