Terra - 13. Terra Grants Funding

    Examine grants funding since the launch of Terra 2. If possible, identify the grants transactions (feel free to supplement this with off-chain research to identify who’s been funded and in what amounts). Based on your investigation, produce a simple, clean dashboard that tracks grant funding thus far on Terra 2.



    Examine grants funding since the launch of Terra 2. If possible, identify the grants transactions (feel free to supplement this with off-chain research to identify who’s been funded and in what amounts).

    Based on your investigation, produce a simple, clean dashboard that tracks grant funding thus far on Terra 2.


    In 2022, the Terra Grants Foundation, a 501 c 3 non-profit organization in Pennsylvania, USA, was formed through the voice of the LUNC community and their desire for Terra Classic to be revised to its former glory.  With the passing of Proposal 8813 (after the passing of Proposal 5234), portions of the blockchain’s seigniorage would go directly to the community pool at the end of every epoch. \n The Terra Grants Foundation and its officers will:

    1. Identify needs or deficiencies within the Classic ecosystem. These needs will be through community solicitation, or roundtable discussions with community members, validators, developers, and users.
    2. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for identified needs. For example, this could be a general call to attract NFT developers back to Classic, build educational material for Terra Classic, promote Terra Classic via social media, rewards (for devs, validators, promoters who stuck with LUNC from the beginning) or very specific requests such as “Add 2-factor authentication to Terra Station wallet”, or “Maintain a TestNet for developers”.
    3. Market RFPs to the greater crypto/cosmos community to collect grant applications. Unsolicited grants will also be accepted. 
    4. Find independent grant reviewers with no conflicts of interest to the grant proposer. A small stipend will be offered for the review of the grant. Grant reviewers could be members both internal and external to the Luna Classic community (from Osmosis for example).
    5. Perform a synchronous review of the grant proposals with independent (anonymous) reviewers. Come up with a recommendation (poor, fair, good, excellent). Grants over the threshold will be recommended for funding and presented for community pool distribution. There is no fixed set of reviewers; reviewers will be chosen based upon their expertise in relation to the proposal.
    6. Grant proposers will be interviewed and KYC’d and presented to the community.
    7. Community governance will be presented with all of the information, a discussion will be posted on Agora, and recommendations of the independent reviewers will be presented. The community will then be asked to vote for distribution to a multi-sig wallet controlled by the team and the Grants Program Manager.
    8. Distribution of the funds in the multi-sig will be “pay by milestone”. Funds will only be distributed upon satisfactory completion of the given milestones as signed off by the program manager via the multi-sig wallet.
    9. Grantee’s will provide project updates in the form of documents, videos, or demonstrations as proof of work until the grant expires.

    Read more:

    🧠 Methodology:

  1. After tracking the terra grant payment to metricsDAO we found the contract address the grants are payed from it:
  2. terra1sjgx7q6mx9e5jjg8dcm498w7reuzufghqvucc8d7d3ad4z2fra4q9l574a so we tracked all trnasferring transaction that has been sent from this address
  3. Then we explore theses transaction on massage table and we found out grant payment transaction has the following feathers:
  4. MESSAGE_TYPE='/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract'
    substr(MESSAGE_VALUE['msg']['execute'],3,11 )='proposal_id'

    Section 1: General


    According to the results presented and the method explained in the methodology, 185 addresses received these grants. The number of transactions performed by this number of addresses was 499 transactions, transferring and allocating more than $32.2 million in assets.

    In addition to the above results, there are four other charts in this section.

    The first chart shows the amount of grants awarded to users in terms of time and grant volume.

    The chart shows that the largest grant was awarded on September 4, 2022 with a volume of $19.5 million.

    Next, on February 1, 2023, a grant was awarded in excess of $5.46 million.

    Each of these grants is shown as a large jump (depending on grant size) in the cumulative chart.

    Daily grant transactions are also shown in a separate chart.



    This dashboard shows very useful information about the grants available in the Terra-Net, as well as the date, volume, and names of the grants given out in this network.

    The types of funding ranging from very small amounts to large and large amounts are shown in the tables and diagrams.

    By becoming familiar with these grants and how they are distributed, you can attract more users to the network and make Terra even more popular with users.

    In addition, Terra's success rate in raising new funds for the network can be increased.


    The table above generally lists all grants made to the Terra-Web after Terra 2's launch.

    The number of grants, as well as the description of each grant and the amount of funds allocated to the network by those grants, are detailed and dated.

    From the table above, Proposal #8 allocated more than $200,000 to the network, and the date and amount of each payment are known.

    Proposal No. 2 injected more than 60 thousand dollars into the network.

    The grant amount for Proposal #5 is over $400,000!

    Proposal#4 contains many more amounts. According to the results of the table, the amount for this proposal is more than 5 million dollars!

    Suppose one also checks other proposals on the https://agora.terra.money/ website and compares them with our table and the results in this dashboard. In that case, one can see that through proposal #986 and the proposal published on July 17, more than 35 and 3 million respectively dollars have been allocated to the Terra network.