BlockTrackerjumper speed
    Updated 2024-07-01
    -- -- arbitrum to base
    -- select
    -- 'arbitrum' as src_chain,
    -- 'LiFi' as aggregator,
    -- block_timestamp,
    -- tx_hash,
    -- origin_from_address,
    -- decoded_log:bridgeData:destinationChainId as dest_chain_id,
    -- decoded_log:bridgeData:minAmount as amount_raw,
    -- decoded_log:bridgeData:sendingAssetId as asset_id,
    -- decoded_log:transactionId as transactionId
    -- from arbitrum.core.ez_decoded_event_logs
    -- where event_name = 'LiFiTransferStarted'
    -- and decoded_log:bridgeData:integrator = ''
    -- and decoded_log:bridgeData:destinationChainId = 8453 -- base
    -- and tx_status = 'SUCCESS'
    -- and block_timestamp::date >= '2024-01-01'

    -- select *
    -- from arbitrum.core.ez_decoded_event_logs
    -- where event_name = 'LiFiTransferStarted'
    -- and decoded_log:bridgeData:integrator = ''
    -- and decoded_log:bridgeData:destinationChainId = 8453 -- base
    -- and tx_status = 'SUCCESS'
    -- and block_timestamp::date >= '2024-01-01'
    -- limit 10

    -- -- tx_hash = '0x010281bcb36da5f126bacd7a018a8e1eedc5e85777e4406acaee4246368d43f3'
    -- -- transactionId = 'b4O7MzxLgXdBviTpd5bHkxvMYqZUw4jvb/CtNMTkfFo='

    -- -- contrct_address = '0x38de71124f7a447a01d67945a51edce9ff491251'
    -- -- and event_name = 'PacketReceived'
    -- -- decoded_log : payloadHash
    -- -- decoded_log:srcChainId -- 110 arbitrum
    -- --payloadHash = '0xf0a435b524420c709965e0cac12a427d8e295085ac88dcb52211458ac407183e'
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived