$THOR Staking Distribution
Q95. Since vTHOR and THOR Staking 2.0 was released in May, we’re interested in finding out more about how the community has embraced the staking rewards. What is the distribution of $THOR currently staked? Are there any notable whales? You will need to calculate the net amount staked + unstaked to get the current amount. Hint: take a look at this query to get started on viewing $THOR staking examples: https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/queries/5be49e11-9d0f-4ccc-b8ae-b36a06c24784 Here is an example of an unstaking query: https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/queries/4a36565c-44b6-43df-b6b9-26f9e4f5794a