Uniswap - 21. Hitchhiker's Guide to DEXs - TVL

    -- Uniswap is a pioneer in the DEX space, as the first automated market maker (AMM). Since their launch, the space has exploded. -- Give an overview of what AMMs are, how they work, and their history. Be sure to discuss some pros and cons of automated market maker protocols, including impermanent loss, and any alternative approaches. -- Track popularity and growth over the past year, to see how the landscape has been changing, and over the past month, to see the current state of affairs. -- - What are the most popular DEXs over the time period? Use metrics such as TVL, transactions, transaction volume and users. -- - What DEXs are the fastest growing over this time period? -- - Have any DEXs shown a large growth or decline over the period? -- - Are there any clear winners as "the best DEX" on a chain, or cross chain?