Popular Contracts on Flow

    What are the 10 most popular contracts that have been used on Flow since May 9th? What do each of those contracts do and why do you think they are so popular? Are there any contracts that seem to be trending and growing in popularity?


    Flow Contracts

    The smart contracts that power the Flow protocol. Flow relies on a set of core contracts that define key portions of the Flow protocol. These contracts control the following:

    • Standard fungible token behavior
    • Default token behavior (FlowToken)
    • Account, transaction and storage fee payments
    • Staking and delegation (FlowIDTableStaking)
    • Token lock-ups (LockedTokens)


    Flow relies on a set of core contracts that define key portions of the Flow protocol. Those contracts are core contracts and are made to emit some events.

    Events emitted from core contracts follow a standard format:

    A.{contract address}.{contract name}.{event name}

    The components of the format are:

    • contract address - the address of the account the contract has been deployed to
    • contract name - the name of the contract in the source code
    • event name - the name of the event as declared in the source code

    Scope of this Study

    • What are the 10 most popular contracts that have been used on Flow since May 9th?
    • What do each of those contracts do and why do you think they are so popular?
    • Are there any contracts that seem to be trending and growing in popularity?



    To extract the raw data in this study, we used the following tables in Crypto Side Philip:

    1. flow.core.fact_events (to extract the number of transactions, number of tokens and number of event type)
    2. flow.core.dim_contract_labels (to find event contract names)


    In this study, we used three criteria to identify trends in Event Contracts in the Flow network: Number of Transactions for each contract, number of tokens based on (Amount Field) in Event Data JSON Column, and Number of Event in the each Contract.

    Number of Transactions Metric

    Table 1 shows the top ten event contracts in flow.core.fact_events table, based on the number of transactions. Table 1 shows the account address, contract name, number of transactions per event contract, and event contract name. In the first three stages of this table are the three core contracts Flow Toke, Flow Fees and Flow.

    Trend Based on the Number of Event Types for each Event Contract

    Chart 2 shows a comparison between number event contracts transactions and number of event types in the each event contract.

    It is quite clear that there is no relationship between the number of transactions of these two characteristics.

    Trend Based on the Number of Transactions for each Contract

    Charts 3 and 4 show the number of transactions per contract based on daily periods. It is clear that in the first 5 contracts shown in Chart 1, the general trend of transactions after May 15th has changed and they have been downtrend. This event occurred in the second 5 top contracts after May 23th. However, the general trend of the number of transactions of some contracts in the top 10 contracts are almost stable.

    Note: In order to reduce the tightness of the lines in the one chart, we divided the top 10 contracts into two parts, the first 5 top contracts and the second top 5 contracts. With this trick, the compression of the chart lines is reduced and it is easier to detect their trends.

    Amount Field of Event Contract Metric

    Table 2 shows the top ten event contracts in flow.core.fact_events table, based on the amount field of each event contract in the 'Event_Data'. In the first three stages of this table are the two core (important) contracts Fiat Toke, Flow Fees and a platform token called Blocto Token.

    1. The FlowToken contract defines the FLOW network token (A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken).
    2. The FlowFees contract is where all the collected flow fees are gathered (A.f919ee77447b7497.FlowFees).
    3. The Flow contract (None).
    4. TopShot (A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot):

    The NBA’s Top Shot product is a blockchain-based virtual trading card platform. It was born out of a partnership between the NBA, the NBA Players Association, and Dapper Labs.

    The platform runs on the FLOW blockchain, which was created by Dapper Labs to be a “developer-friendly blockchain built to support the next generation of games, apps, and digital assets.”

    1. LNVCT (A.1e3c78c6d580273b.LNVCT) Live Nation Virtual Commemorative Tickets are unique digital collectibles included with your concert tickets at no extra charge. They’re easy to share, feature artwork from the tour, and each one is customized with the details of your seat.

    2. DAPPER UTILITY COIN (A.ead892083b3e2c6c.DapperUtilityCoin) Dapper Labs coin, the game company behind the Flow blockchain,

    3. Float (A.2d4c3caffbeab845.FLOAT) Float is a Flow-enabled proof of attendance platform. Whether it be a Twitter space, Discord call, YouTube livestream, IRL event, or anything at all, you can create a FLOAT Event so participants can remember and have proof that they were there.

    4. TOP SHOT MARKET V3 (A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3)

    V1 and V3 and their QUIRKS

    Both V1 and V3 contracts define a SaleCollection resource which collectors store in their account. This manages the logic of:

    • Listing
    • Delisting
    • Purchasing
    • Transferring On July 27th, Topshot upgraded the Top Shot Marketplace Smart Contract to V3 on Flow. This is the first contract upgrade they’ve done since the inception of Top Shot.

    The V3 contract also defines a SaleCollection, but it stores a capability to the owner’s Moment collection so Moments that are listed/delisted do not need to be removed from the main collection to be put up for sale.

    1. TOKEN FORWARDING (A.e544175ee0461c4b.TokenForwarding) Token Forwarding is a contract to forward the tokens from the source wallet to the destination wallet.
    2. CRICKET MOMENTS (A.4eded0de73020ca5.CricketMoments) Tiger Global and Dapper Labs are backing Faze Technologies’ bid to “build the metaverse for cricket.”

    Trend Based on the Amount field for each Event Contract

    Chart 6 shows a comparison between amount field of each event contracts and number of event types in the each event contract.

    Like Chart 2, There is no relationship between these two characteristics.

    Trend Base on the Amount Field for each Event Contract

    Charts 7 and 8 show the amount filed per contract based on daily periods. It is clear that in both charts, no definite trend can be detected except for some sharp fluctuations Especially in the ANIQUECREDIT contract.

    1. FIAT TOKEN (A.b19436aae4d94622.FiatToken) implements interfaces defined in the following contracts:
    • FungibleToken
    • FiatTokenInterface
    • OnChainMultiSig
    1. FLOW TOKEN (A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken) See previous section.
    2. BLOCTO TOKEN (A.0f9df91c9121c460.BloctoToken) Blocto token (BLT) is the utility and governance token of Blocto, which serves as the foundation of ecosystem and the interconnective link between the wallet, Blocto made products, and users.
    3. TELEPORTED TETHER TOKEN (A.cfdd90d4a00f7b5b.TeleportedTetherToken) USDT teleported from Ethereum using the Blocto bridge
    4. DAPPER UTILITY COIN (A.ead892083b3e2c6c.DapperUtilityCoin) See previous section.
    5. FUSD (A.3c5959b568896393.FUSD) Flow USD (FUSD) is a stablecoin issued by Prime Trust that is backed 1:1 by the US Dollar.
    6. FLOW IDTABLE STAKING (A.8624b52f9ddcd04a.FlowIDTableStaking) The FlowIDTableStaking contract is the central table that manages staked nodes, delegation and rewards.
    7. TOKEN FORWARDING (A.e544175ee0461c4b.TokenForwarding) Token Forwarding is a contract to forward the tokens from the source wallet to the destination wallet.
    8. FAZE UTILITY COIN (A.4eded0de73020ca5.FazeUtilityCoin) Faze has signed a partnership with the International Cricket Council (ICC) to create exclusive digital collectibles (using nonfungible tokens) for cricket to launch on the Flow blockchain.
    9. FLOW FEES (A.f919ee77447b7497.FlowFees) See previous section


    In this study, using the data in the Flipsidecrypto tables, we tried to rank the 10 most popular contracts in the flow blockchain based on metrics such as the number of transactions and the number of tokens in each contract, and identify the reason for their popularity. After ranking based on these two metrics, 20 contracts were listed in Tables 1 and 2, which also have some same contracts.

    If we do not take into account the core and important contracts of the OnFlow network, we find that the following protocols are more popular among other platforms because of their application:

    • TopShot
    • LNVCT
    • Float
    • FAZE

    By referring to the diagrams drawn in this study, we find that there is no specific trend in most contracts. However, Chart 2 shows a downward trend in the number of transactions resulting from the top 5 contracts, which seems to be due to the prevailing conditions in the crypto market.

    Chart 1 shows the status of this table as a donut shape. As you can see, the largest share of 40.8% of transactions belongs to the Flow Token contract and the lowest with 1.95% belongs to the Cricket Moment contract.

    Chart 5 shows the status of this table as a donut shape. As you can see, the largest share of 53.3% of amount field belongs to the Fiat Token contract and the lowest with 1.32% belongs to the core Token Forwarding contract.

    The All in One Blockchain

    Flow launched on 7 October 2020 with a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. Flow was developed by DapperLabs, the inventors of Crypto Kitties.

    Dapper wanted to address the issues they saw deploying on Ethereum. They did so by focusing on scalability via fast and cheap transactions and security via a different smart contract language (Cadence) that made writing secure code easier [1].

    Top Flow Projects

    For an in depth view of top projects on Flow, head here: Flowverse.co

    A few highlights below:

    • NBA Topshot: The Flow smash hit, NBA Topshot allows fans to own some of the top NBA highlights in the form of short video clips embedded in collector-card-like NFTs. Fans purchase card packs and hope for rare or legendary cards to be inside. Anyone who has collected Panini soccer or Magic the Gathering cards will be instantly familiar with NBA Topshot.
    • FUSD: Or Flow USD is the first official stablecoin native to Flow, and was created by PrimeTrust. FUSD is live on testnet right now, but set to launch on mainnet soon.FUSD can be used to pay for Flow network fees, instead of the native tokens, another unique feature of this blockchain. The BloctoSwap decentralized exchange will provide FUSD-FLOW and FUSD-tUSDT trading pairs.
    • BloctoSwap: The number one decentralized exchange on flow, and an important decentralized on-ramp with the ability to teleport USDT to tUSDT or teleported USDT on Flow’s blockchain.
    • Flowty: Flowty is a peer-to-peer (P2P) collateralized NFT lending marketplace that enables borrowers to access liquidity using Flow-based NFTs as collateral and lenders to generate interest income by funding loans secured by NFTs.
    • The Fabricant: Is a digital fashion startup co-founded by CryptoKitties and Dapper Labs OG Benny Giang. Fabricant features digital haute couture that can be worn in the metaverse and works with designers from the traditional fashion space to advance the artistic dialogue of what digital fashion is all about [1].

    Digital haute couture by The Fabricant
