THORChain Unveiled...
Brief Overview: THORChain is a decentralised cross-chain liquidity protocol that utilizes the Tendermint consensus engine, Cosmos-SDK state machine, and GG20 Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS). It operates as an independent Layer 1 cross-chain decentralised exchange (DEX) built on the Cosmos SDK. THORChain allows users to swap native assets across multiple chains without the need for wrapped or pegged assets. It ensures transparent and fair prices without relying on centralized third parties. The protocol features continuous liquidity pools that maximize efficiency. It does not peg or wrap assets, it manages funds directly in on-chain vaults, and secures those funds using economic security. It could be described as a "cross-chain automated market maker (AMM), like Uniswap" or a "decentralized Binance". Values THORChain Finance offer : * Allow a user to Swap {Asset X on Chain A}, to {Asset Y on Chain B}. * Allow a user to Save {Asset X on Chain A}. * Allow a user to Lend {Asset X on Chain A}, to Borrow {Asset Y on Chain B}. * Allow a user to Pool RUNE(the native token) across liquidity pools Get more information: