Cryptopunk Sales and Traders
Which 10 wallets are the most successful Cryptopunk traders? Successful could either mean the wallet has accumulated a large balance from sales or has accumulated a large number of Punks. Explain your methodology and findings.
In the charts below you can see the price of NFTs sold daily, weekly and monthly in USD and Eth.
On the daily chart of October 28, 2021, over 537 million cryptopunks have been sold, which we have also shown in Ethereum terms, in Ethereum terms, on October 28, 2021, over 125.5 thousand Ethereums were paid to buy cryptopunk nfts.
In the 4th week of October 2021, over $561.4 million of punk nfts were sold and over 131.2 thousand ETH paid to buy cryptopunk nfts.
In October 2021, a total of over $671 million NFTs were sold and over 161 thousand Ethereums were exchanged to buy NFTs.
The chart below shows the average (price per NFT) and total NFTs sold in USD
The chart below is very interesting and attractive. On October 28, 2021, the total number of NFTs sold was over $537 million and the average was over $31.5 million.
We have various statistics in weekly and monthly time frames, which you can see according to the charts .
In October 2021, a total of over $671 million worth of cryptopunk NFTs were sold, with an average sale of $1.87 million.
Well now let's look at the buyers and sellers on a Daily basis
This is also a very interesting statistic and a very good comparison
In the charts below, we can see the many fluctuations that cryptopunk buyers and sellers had in June and February 2021. People's interest in cryptopunk has increased the number of buyers and sellers.
On August 23, 2021, the largest number of buyers and sellers was recorded, with 251 buyers and 233 sellers.
In the chart below, you can see the number of NFTs sold and the price(USD) of NFTs in daily, weekly and monthly times.
Over time, people have shown a lot of interest in the project, so that on October 28, 2021, the price of 16 nft sold was more than $537 million.
People's attention to crypto punk started to peak from January and February 2021, so that in August and October 2021, it recorded the highest amount of sales.
In August 2021, a total of 2,726 nft have been sold at an approximate price of $661 million
In October 2021, 357 nfts were sold at an approximate price of $671 million
Top 10 cryptopunk holders by number of nft and percentage
first person
Holder address : 0xa858ddc0445d8131dac4d1de01f834ffcba52ef1
Number of nft : 1119
percentage : 41.8 %
second person
Holder address : 0xb7f7f6c52f2e2fdb1963eab30438024864c313f6
Number of nft : 397
percentage : 14.8 %
Third person
Holder address : 0xb88f61e6fbda83fbfffabe364112137480398018
Number of nft : 217
percentage : 8.11 %
fourth person
Holder address : 0xa25803ab86a327786bb59395fc0164d826b98298
Number of nft : 215
percentage : 8.04 %
fifth person
Holder address : 0x577ebc5de943e35cdf9ecb5bbe1f7d7cb6c7c647
Number of nft : 192
percentage : 7.18 %
sixth person
Holder address : 0x69021ae8769586d56791d29615959997c2012b99
Number of nft : 146
percentage : 5.46 %
seventh person
Holder address : 0x269616d549d7e8eaa82dfb17028d0b212d11232a
Number of nft : 119
percentage : 4.45 %
eighth person
Holder address : 0x4084df8bf74ba73f04eb39b89df698608df7f4b5
Number of nft : 98
percentage : 3.66 %
ninth person
Holder address : 0x31a5ff62a1b2c0f030aee1661eab6513ae676e23
Number of nft : 93
percentage : 3.48 %
tenth person
Holder address : 0x51688cd36c18891167e8036bde2a8fb10ec80c43
Number of nft :79
percentage : 2.95 %
What does NFT mean?
NFT stands for "non-fungible token" At a basic level, an NFT is a digital asset that links ownership to unique physical or digital items, such as works of art, real estate, music, or videos. NFTs can be considered modern-day collectibles
Is it worth buying an NFT?
Some of the advantages of investing in NFTs include: Anyone can invest in NFTs. Investing in tokenized assets is accessible to everyone. Asset ownership that is tokenized into an NFT can more easily and efficiently be transferred among people anywhere in the world.
Can I create my own NFT?
yes , If you want to create a series of NFTs, you can use a collection to do so — on Rarible, you can create one right from the NFT creation screen, which the NFT you're making will be added to. On OpenSea, you'll have to go to your profile picture in the top right, then go to My Collections > Create a collection.
Are NFT really just pictures?
NFTs can really be anything digital (such as drawings, music, your brain downloaded and turned into an AI), but a lot of the current excitement is around using the tech to sell
Is selling NFT easy?
So in short: Yes, it is hard to sell an NFT unless you already have an audience. As with anything, you need to find your buyers, and they don't come just because you uploaded something on a marketplace or website.
What kind of art sells on NFT?
The short answer is: any kind of art can be sold as a non-fungible token. These can be easily minted on NFT marketplaces and sold to willing buyers as soon as the artwork is available. Minting an NFT involves converting your art into crypto collections or digital assets recorded on the blockchain.
Who decides the price of an NFT?
The mint price for an NFT is determined by the creator or creators of the NFT. Creators have the ability to set the minting price at whatever they choose. As a general statement, minting prices are often below . 1 ETH for most projects so a wider number of purchasers can afford to buy.
What is a CryptoPunk?
The CryptoPunks are 24x24 pixel art images, generated algorithmically. Most are punky-looking guys and girls, but there are a few rarer types mixed in: Apes, Zombies and even the odd Alien. Every punk has their own profile page that shows their attributes as well as their ownership/for-sale status
10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The project that inspired the modern CryptoArt movement. Selected press and appearances include Mashable, CNBC, The Financial Times, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, The Paris Review, Salon, The Outline, BreakerMag, Christie's of London, Art|Basel, The PBS NewsHour, The New York Times in 2018 and again in 2021. The Cryptopunks are one of the earliest examples of a "Non-Fungible Token" on Ethereum, and were inspiration for the ERC-721 standard that powers most digital art and collectibles.
What exactly is going on here?(constructive words)
Cryptocurrency was made famous by Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is designed just to transact and store ownership of Bitcoin itself. We are using a successor to Bitcoin called Ethereum which allows for arbitrary computer code to be executed on the blockchain and the results of the execution to be stored forever. This is pretty cool! Normally code is run on a server somewhere and you basically need to trust the person running the server. Ethereum lets everyone execute the code, show each other what result they got, and agree that the code was executed properly and fairly.
We have written code that lives on the blockchain that anyone can use to buy and sell Punks with anyone else in the world. An interesting aspect of this system is that we no longer have any control over the code running CryptoPunks! Once we released it onto the blockchain it became permanently embedded there and can no longer be modified by anyone. This is scary for us as developers because we worry about bugs, but it is also a very powerful feature of the system. It allows a user verify that there are indeed only 10,000 punks, check that we can't steal them from you, and basically make sure that everything we told you about the code is true.
How do I get a Punk?
Download and install a Chrome browser plugin called MetaMask. This will allow websites (that you authorize) access to your Ethereum account. If you made a new account, buy some Ether. The MetaMask plugin has a button that will allow you to buy Ether from Coinbase. Once you have the plugin installed, this website will recognize it and add buttons that allow you to bid on, buy and sell punks directly in the interface. For example, you can buy Punk #7938 for 67.49 ETH ($99,682.73 USD).
I have extracted some information from the FLIPSIDE tables and displayed it for you here
In the charts below, the number of NFTs sold is shown on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
On August 21, 2021, 355 nfts were sold, which is the highest number of NFTs sold per day. It should be noted that its weekly and monthly charts also confirm this, and in August 2021, 2726 nfts were sold, which is the highest number of nfts sold for cryptopunk to date.
The CryptoPunks are 10,000 uniquely generated characters. No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned by a single person on the Ethereum blockchain. Originally, they could be claimed for free by anybody with an Ethereum wallet, but all 10,000 were quickly claimed. Now they must be purchased from someone via the marketplace that's also embedded in the blockchain. Via this market you can buy, bid on, and offer punks for sale.
For Sale \n The lowest price punk currently for sale is67.49 ETH ($99,932.44 USD). \n Showing most recent offers,click here to see all 1,137.
Bids \n The average bid over the last year was 89.09 ETH ($131,581.84 USD). \n The average currently open bid is 2.31 ETH ($3,418.78 USD). \n Total value of all current bids is 1,310.11 ETH ($1,935,030.40 USD). \n Showing most recent bids, click here to see all 566.
Sales \n The average sale price of a punk over the last year is 185.3 ETH ($273,681.23 USD). \n The total value of punks sold over the last year is 482,881.76 ETH ($713,216,364.39 USD). \n Showing most recent sales, click here to see all 22,374.
Wrapped \n 525 punks are "wrapped" for sale on ERC-721 markets, see for more details. \n Showing by punk number, click here to see all wrapped punks or view them on OpenSea.
The chart below shows the buyers and sellers and the total ETH exchanged daily
On August 23, 2021, when the most buyers and sellers were recorded, more than 27 thousand Ethereums were exchanged.
But if we look more closely at the chart, on October 16, 2021, despite the registration of 10 sellers and 9 buyers, the total ETH exchanged was more than 125.5 thousand ETH.
Being few but Being strong 🤣
The chart below shows the buyers and sellers and the total ETH exchanged Weekly
In the fourth week of August 2021, although the number of buyers and sellers was the highest, the volume of transactions was less(~123,626 ETH) than the last week of October, when more than 131 thousand ETH were exchanged, and the number of buyers was 48 and the number of sellers was 46.
Top 10 buyers by NFT price and percentage (in the list
first person
buyer address : 0x1919db36ca2fa2e15f9000fd9cdc2edcf863e685
percentage : 68.7 %
second person
buyer address : 0x0e9aed5c7721c642a032812c2c4816f7d6cb87d7
percentage : 12.2 %
Third person
buyer address : 0x62bdc64a14405e797f86796ea3c2476209ee0bf9
percentage : 7.32 %
fourth person
buyer address : 0xd387a6e4e84a6c86bd90c158c6028a58cc8ac459
percentage : 5.68 %
fifth person
buyer address : 0x650dcdeb6ecf05ae3caf30a70966e2f395d5e9e5
percentage : 4.32 %
sixth person
buyer address : 0x78f0269f5b1ca914c8c58993f41181f89e212b27
percentage : 1.26 %
seventh person
buyer address : 0x269616d549d7e8eaa82dfb17028d0b212d11232a
percentage : 0.479 %
eighth person
buyer address : 0x0d41f957181e584db82d2e316837b2de1738c477
percentage : 0.154 %
ninth person
buyer address : 0x7d438bf6567673867480b7923669bf349e6c8c12
percentage : --
tenth person
buyer address : 0x303052148a78a692d7aa89bad454f3e91785488d
percentage : --
People who hold a certain number of nft(by percentage of the market)
You may be a little confused but it is very easy For example, the share of people who hold 1 NFT is 26.1% of all holders Or the share of someone holding 1119 NFT is 11.8% of all holdings Or the share of those who hold 2 NFTs is 8.56% of all holdings Or the share of those who hold 3 NFTs is 4.46% of all holdings And other holders
What did we learn?
What does NFT mean? Is it worth buying an NFT? Can I create my own NFT? Are NFT really just pictures? Is selling NFT easy? What kind of art sells on NFT? Who decides the price of an NFT? What is a CryptoPunk? What exactly is going on here? How do I get a Punk? How to buy punks for sale and bids and where to buy? Latest sales and Wrapped Number of NFTs sold daily Number of NFTs sold weekly Number of NFTs sold monthly Average (price per NFT) and total NFTs sold daily in USD Average (price per NFT) and total NFTs sold weekly in USD Average (price per NFT) and total NFTs sold monthly in USD price of NFTs sold daily in USD and Eth price of NFTs sold weekly in USD and Eth price of NFTs sold monthly in USD and Eth Number of NFTs sold and the price (USD) of NFTs daily Number of NFTs sold and the price (USD) of NFTs weekly Number of NFTs sold and the price (USD) of NFTs monthly buyers and sellers and the total ETH exchanged daily buyers and sellers and the total ETH exchanged weekly buyers and sellers and the total ETH exchanged monthly Top 10 cryptopunk buyers by NFT price and percentage Top 10 cryptopunk holders by number of nft and percentage People who hold a certain number of nft(by percentage of the market)