Exploring The Terra Ecosystem Revival

    1. Assess the Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2 and how it will distribute both wealth and voting power to key stakeholders (whales, builders, smaller wallets, rekt wallets). 2. “Luna to be airdropped across Luna Classic stakers, Luna Classic holders, residual UST holders, and essential app developers of Terra Classic.” Chart potential airdrop candidate wallets holding Luna and UST for both the “Pre-attack” snapshot and “Launch” snapshot. 3. How many wallets are eligible to receive an airdrop at each specified snapshot? 4. Part of the revival plan involves allocating a portion of the airdrop for essential app developers. What do these partners potentially stand to receive? 5. Of the token distribution, how much voting power is going to end up in the hands of smaller investors? How much is going to end up in the hands of whales?