Inverse Bonds Popularity

    Inverse bonds is a new feature that came out with OIP-94 on 26/4. With inverse bonds, users can trade their OHM in exchange for some treasury assets.

    Lets see

    • How many total and daily distinct wallets have used the inverse Bonds feature since it came out?

    • Bonus: What was the average premium per inverse bond transaction?

    • With a shy first days, slowly the interactions with the contract have starting to rise, doubling the distinct wallets in less than 15 days.

    • We can see an uptick in contacts with the Inverse Bond contract.

    • This could be related with OHM price to be explored next.

    • As ohm price begins to fall, its possible to to correlate the increment in Bonds taken with it. Considering that if the bond falls in price, there exists a possibility to cash out for more DAI when price rises up.
    • 123 Distinct wallets have interacted with the Inverse Bond Smart contract the 24 days the option has become available.


    • Inverse Bond become atractive in these lows in the market, but have in mind that the original purpose of the Inverse Bonds is to provide liquidity in situations with high stress.