New Addresses in Polygon

    How many are?


    • Draw a chart showing the number of new addresses every day on polygon(matic) network.
      • New addressses are unique addresses that appeared for the first time in a transaction of Matic.



    • Polygon is a layer 2 chain to Ethereum's chain. Cheaper and faster transactions are available in this sidechain.
    • Using Flipside's Polygon.Transactions table, ill query looking for each new address since the start of times.


    • Polygon growth has had tremendous spikes in user arrivals.

    • The first relevant one being on September, 25, 2020.

    • Few other days had such relevance in new addresses volume, but there are. And most of them occurred in 2021.

    • 2022 has seen some major spikes, but at the moment of this writing, the arrivals of new users have dwindled a little bit. But only in comparison with how great was 2021 for Polygon.

    • 12,5 Millions Unique wallets have joined Polygon chain since the first recorded transaction at May, 30th, 2020.

    • Polygon new addresses high volume remains to this day, though not as explosive as last year, it keeps levels above 15k new addresses per day.

    But there is a consideration to have
    • This method of wallets searching was made looking for unique addresses. Addresses that hold the ones for applications too. So the number of users should be expected to be a little lower.
    For analysis limitations i will be grouping the unique wallets by weeks instead of days
    • The amount of total unique addresses that have transacted in Polygon.
    • The first big user jump was in September, 25, 2020. Going from 5k users to 100k in one day.

    • It keep a steady growth until June first, 2021.

    • Going from 358k to 12.5 millions in just one year.