Orion Constellation Hunt

    Operating with Orion Money on the Binance Smart Chain to avoid ethereum expensive gas fees and put Binance Stablecoin to good use.

    Orion Money offers the chance to stake with different chains. Tho the saver dapp is not ready yet to work with BSC, the staking module for Binances Stablecoin works great.

    First, we must acquire BUSD and Orion Money to stake on those liquidity pools.

    Sending BUSD to Metamask

    Swaping BUSD to Orion Money with PancakeSwap

    Second, we must choose between Staking our Orion Money or adding to the Orion/BUSD liquidity pool.


    Third, we will accept the contract to add BUSD and Orion money.

    Orion/BUSD Contract approval

    After that we are ready to add to Orion/BUSD pool

    Orion/BUSD liquidity pool


    Now that we added on the pool, we can stake the rest of our Orion Money


    First we accept the deposit contract

    Contract to deposit Orion

    And then we stake

    Staking Orion

    And just like that we are participating in one of the easiest staking pools for your stablecoins.

    But, being on the Binance Smart Chain, Orion Money is yet to deliver his Saver module, which they say is coming on the way.

    Now that we added on the pool, we can stake those lp tokens

    Accepting contract to stake

    Staking lp tokens
