LittlerDataBSC Ragnarok LandVerse ION minting and withdrawals (burning)
    Updated 2024-07-17

    with ION_minting as (

    count (distinct transactions.tx_hash) mints
    ,sum(amount) mint_volume
    ,count(distinct to_address) minting_users
    from bsc.core.ez_token_transfers transfers
    join bsc.core.fact_transactions transactions using (tx_hash)
    where 1=1
    and STATUS = 'SUCCESS'
    and block_timestamp > '2023-09-01' --there is some ION minted back in july that are not necesary to consider
    --and tx_hash = '0xc57286444c34d8fc753c876ff2b6362c419fef7e18a305d14f61bc13f8474c8f'
    and from_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    and contract_address = '0x033c1c03718ba0f0871bb4dcc38b24f065d585bc' --ION

    ,mint_volume as minted_volume
    from ion_minting

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived