LUNA Distribution Mvmt 1: The Basics

    People who do not like crypto often cite wealth inequality as a reason: they claim that the tokens are concentrated in the hands of a few whales. Assess this claim for LUNA. How much of circulating supply is held by the top 100 addresses? Top 1%? Top 10%? BONUS: compare this to wealth distribution vs. a country or an index of your choosing.


    so we can see in this chart that the share of the luna for luna whale is less than 6 percent and the more wealthy whale have only 6 perecent luna in comparision to total luna circulating

    in this part we want to look at the distribution of luna in the whales hands and is luna dangerous in this case or it belongs to pepeol

    in the below chart we can see the 100 wealthy whales on luna ecosystem and the percent of their asset in comparion to other whales