Volume Scoring with NBA Top Shot
What question wants?
Q5. NBA Top Shot allows users to buy, sell, and collect NBA NFTs that showcase influential “Moments” minted on the FLOW blockchain. Create a visualization tracking the total sales volume traded on NBA Top Shot since May 9th by day. How many unique wallets have made a trade on Top Shot over that timeframe?
How do those metrics compare to sales volume and unique users of Magic Eden on Solana and OpenSea on Ethereum?
NBA Top Shot allows users to buy, sell, and collect NBA NFTs that showcase influential “Moments” minted on the FLOW blockchain. Some Moments are rarer than others, with the rarest versions being worth the most. Moments are minted in “Packs,” much like you'd expect from physical trading cards.
In this essay, the sales activity of NFTs on this marketplace has been evaluated since May 9th.
The final part contains the comparison of this marketplace with Solana Magic Eden and Ethereum Opensea.
The approach and used tables of this essay are:
NBA Top Shot
from flow.core.fact_nft_sales where MARKETPLACE='A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3'
from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales where PLATFORM_NAME='opensea'
Magic Eden
from flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_nft_sales where MARKETPLACE ilike '%Magic%' --both of ME markets
Time period
The overall analysis of NBA Top shot marketplace has been placed in this section. According to the table and figures it can be concluded that:
- Near 650k trade action have been done on NBA Top Shot marketplace on Flow blockchain.
- The count of unique buyers and sellers were at their highest level on May 9th.
- The maximum volume of sale occurred on May 19th and maximum count of sale activity occurred on May 9th.
- Total number of sellers are more than buyers and it shows that most of the people sell their NFTs after May 9th.
The comparison of different marketplaces on Flow, Solana and Ethereum blockchains has been presented in this part.
According to the table and figures, it can be said that:
- The OpenSea has the dominant performance in count of unique purchasers.
- The Magic Eden could compete with Opensea in term of number of sales activity.
- The NBA Top shot has promising performance in comparison with two of the leading NFT marketplaces in crypto universe.