Derivative Daze


    GNS Arbitrum:

    Database: arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs, arbitrum.core.fact_transactions

    Trading contract addresses (origin_to_address column):

    Source - GNS documentation. Were chosen only active contracts

    • GNSTradingStorageV5: 0xcFa6ebD475d89dB04cAd5A756fff1cb2BC5bE33c
    • GNSTradingV6_2: 0x2f67A8d26F370b922B31B199C7946c3Ed53C10c6

    DAI contract address: 0xda10009cbd5d07dd0cecc66161fc93d7c9000da1

    GNS Polygon:

    Database: polygon.core.fact_event_logs, polygon.core.fact_transactions

    Trading contract addresses (origin_to_address column):

    Source - GNS documentation. Were chosen only active contracts

    • V6.2 Contracts: 0x65187fec6ecc4774c1f632c7503466d5b4353db1

    • DAI contract address: 0x8f3cf7ad23cd3cadbd9735aff958023239c6a063

    GMX Arbitrum:

    Database: arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs, arbitrum.core.fact_transactions

    Source - GMX documentation

    • PositionRouter contract addresses (origin_to_address column): 0xb87a436B93fFE9D75c5cFA7bAcFff96430b09868

    GMX Avalanche:

    Database: avalanche.core.fact_event_logs, arbitrum.core.fact_transactions

    Source - GMX documentation

    • PositionRouter contract addresses (origin_to_address column): 0xffF6D276Bc37c61A23f06410Dce4A400f66420f8

    Vela Exchange Arbitrum:

    Database: arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs, arbitrum.core.fact_transactions

    Source - Vela Exchange documentation

    • Vault contract addresses (origin_to_address column) : 0x5957582F020301a2f732ad17a69aB2D8B2741241

    Perpetual Protocol Optimism:

    Database: optimism.core.fact_event_logs, arbitrum.core.fact_transactions

    Source - Perpetual Protocol documentation

    • Vault proxy contract addresses (origin_to_address column) : 0x94b008aA00579c1307B0EF2c499aD98a8ce58e58


    This dashboard shows the following metrics for Gains Network:

    • Total volume
    • Total traders
    • Total trade fees
    • Trade volume over the past day/month/three months
    • Traders over the past day/month/three months

    Also, these metrics will be compared with other derivatives trading markets:

    • GMX (Arbitrum + Avalanche)
    • Vela Exchange (Arbitrum)
    • Perpetual Protocol Optimism


    The "GNS Total stat" tab contains an overview of statistics for the entire time, the "GNS Past day" tab contains metrics for the past day, which are updated daily, that is, it makes no sense to write a conclusion based on these tabs.

    Detailed conclusions will be only on the tab "GNS Past 3 months" (because this tab include data of "GNS Past month") and "Comparison". The summary can be found on the "Conclusions" tab