Voting Power Within the Arbitrum DAO
Consolidation of voting power within the Arbitrum DAO
Dataset: arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs
- filters TX_STATUS = 'SUCCESS' and EVENT_REMOVED = 'false' (to analyse only succedeed transactions)
- filter CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x912ce59144191c1204e64559fe8253a0e49e6548' (to extract just ARB tokens delegations)
- filter EVENT_NAME = 'DelegateChanged' (to extract delegators and delegates)
- filter EVENT_NAME = 'DelegateVotesChanged' (to extract $ARB token balance)
Date: daily refresh without current date.
To analyze the activity, I used the period from the beginning of 2023 to see how the delegates behaved not only in the last month, but also since the beginning of the year
The Arbitrum DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) built on the Ethereum blockchain. At its core, the Arbitrum DAO is a community-driven governance mechanism that allows $ARB token holders to propose and vote on changes to the organization and the technologies it governs.
Delegates are users who are committed to being consistently involved in governance Token holders will be able to select a preferred delegate, including themselves, and can re-delegate at any time.
All about Arbitrum DAO and delegates you can read here, and now we will focus on tracking the consolidation of voting power within the Arbitrum DAO
❗On this dashboard you can find answers to the questions below. For convenience, I indicated the tabs where it is possible to find then, they will also be in the summary
✅ How many unique wallets have delegated their ARB tokens? - ("Delegators & Delegates" tab)
✅ How many unique delegates received tokens? - ("Delegators & Delegates" tab)
✅ Creating a dashboard that monitors the total voting power and number of unique delegators for the top 50 delegates - ("Top 50 Delegates" tab)
✅ Identification of top 10 delegators (by total ARB) for each delegate in the top 50 - ("Top 50 Delegates" tab)
✅ On-chain activities of wallets that have chosen to delegate their voting power and note any patterns - ("Delegate On-chain activity" tab)
✅ Based on transaction histories, is it possible to identify which user segments are more likely to delegate tokens? - ("Conclusions" tab)