Largest Tokemak DEX Pools

    What are the largest dex pools for TOKE (UNI, SUSHI, etc.)? What is the behavior of TOKE holders on these token pools currently?



    Tokemak is a generalized crypto liquidity aggregator for decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that is designed to give users the ability to provide liquidity and earn incentivized yields for staking different crypto assets while controlling where liquidity is allocated via a decentralized market-making system

    • Tables: ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps , ethereum.core.fact_traces , ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers , ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers

    • Toke = lower('0x2e9d63788249371f1DFC918a52f8d799F4a38C94')

    • from_address =

    ETH: 0xD3D13a578a53685B4ac36A1Bab31912D2B2A2F36 ,

    Sushi LP: 0x8858A739eA1dd3D80FE577EF4e0D03E88561FaA3 ,

    Uni LP: 0x1b429e75369ea5cd84421c1cc182cee5f3192fd3 ,

    Toke: 0x96F98Ed74639689C3A11daf38ef86E59F43417D3 ,

    USDC: 0x04bDA0CF6Ad025948Af830E75228ED420b0e860d


    What are the largest dex pools for TOKE (UNI, SUSHI, etc.)?


    Swap pools

    The top pool that had the most swapped Toke was Toke_WETH SLP with 51.1%.

    The second pool was Toke_WETH UNI_V2_LP with 48.6%.

    These two pools have almost all parts of the pools that Toke swapped on them.

    The most number swapped that transferred Toke into pools was on August 9th, 2021.

    Of all the number of swaps, 240 swaps belonged to the TOKE_WETH SLP pool, and 510 swaps belonged to the TOKE_WETH UNI_V2 pool.

    There were no swaps for TOKE_CGT LP, UNI_TOKE LP, and TOKE_SUSHI LP pools on this day.

    Liquidity pools

    The number of Toke that was used to add liquidity was the most in the ETH pool.

    In the second place was the Toke pool, the third pool that have the most added liquidity Toke was the UNI pool.

    The most number added liquidity was on April 13th, 2022.

    Of all the added liquidity, 145 liquidity was added to the Uni pool, 40 added to Toke pool, and 38 liquidity was added to the Sushi pool.

    What is the behavior of TOKE holders on these token pools currently?

    26.3% of Toke holders, added liquidity to the ETH pool, 23.8% added liquidity to the UNI pool and 22.2% added liquidity to the Toke pool.

    Toke holder preferred TOKE_WETH SLP and TOKE_WETH UNI_V2 the most to swap the Toke into.
