Layer 2 Blocks

    How many layer2 StarkNet blocks have been accepted on Ethereum (L1) chain so far? How many fees have been paid(generated) to the Ethereum network? Has StarkNet contributed to saving in transaction fees for its users?



    The number of transactions that happened on Starknet was 2864.

    This chart shows the number of daily transactions made on Starknet.

    The highest number of transactions was on May 12th, 2022.

    On this day, 33 transactions were made.

    From May 10th till May 15th the number of transactions were increased.

    Before this period of time expect November 27th, the number of transactions were under 20.

    This chart shows the daily number of blocks used in Starknet.

    The highest number of blocks that were used was on May 4th, 2022.

    The number of blocks on this day was 6163.

    The least number of blocks that were used was on November 26th, with 515.



    This chart shows the total fee that was generated on the Ethereum network.

    The highest fee belonged on May 11th, 2022 with 2.91 ETH.

    Most of the days the fees that were generated on the ETH network were under 1 Ethereum.

    ETH fee VS. Starknet fee

    This chart compares the fees that were generated on Ethereum and Starknet.

    The massive difference between the ETH fee and the Starknet fee was on May 11th.

    On this day, the fee which belonged to ETH was 0.03 ETH despite the fee that belonged to Starknet which was 0.09 ETH.
