Liquidity Providers Stats



    table: from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs , ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers , ethereum.core.dim_dex_liquidity_pools 
    count(DISTINCT(origin_from_address)) as lp_providers
    where event_name = 'Mint' 
    and origin_to_address = lower('0xd9e1ce17f2641f24ae83637ab66a2cca9c378b9f') 
    block_timestamp::date >= '2022-01-01'
    block_timestamp::date >= current_date - 365
    withdraw: where origin_function_signature in ('0xded9382a','0x5b0d5984','0x2195995c',
    farmer: where event_name = 'Deposit'
    and contract_address = lower('0xef0881ec094552b2e128cf945ef17a6752b4ec5d'



    Total LP provider

    Liquidity providers VS. Withdraw liquidity

    Number of users

    Change over the past year

    Top liquidity providers


    • The first user of the top 5 users who added the most liquidity added 468 liquidity in total.

    • The second user added 218 liquidity.

    • The third user of the top 5 liquidity providers added 179 liquidity.

    • The fourth user added 104 liquidity.

    • Finally, the last user of the top 5 added 102 liquidity.

    • The highest number of users was on December 26th, with 1084 users. On this day, 424 new users added liquidity.
    • The highest number of new users who added liquidity was on October 14th, 2021. 506 new users added liquidity on this day.
    • The highest number of decreased users was on May 12th with -129.

    In total, the number of users who added liquidity was more than those who withdrew liquidity.

    • The highest number of users who added liquidity was on January 1st, with 549.
    • The highest number of users who withdrew liquidity was also on January 1st, with 226.
    • The first date when the number of users withdrew more than those who added liquidity was February 24th. On this day, the number of users of add action was 125; on the other hand, the number of users of withdrawing activity was 160.

    Number of LPs per users


    • Most of the users added just 1 liquidity over the time. 10k users added 1 liquidity.

    • 2811 users added 2 liquidity.

    • 1089 users made 3 liquidity.

    • 632 users made 4 liquidity.

    • 328 users added 5 liquidity.

    • 882 users made more than 5 liquidity over the time.

    Liquidity providers VS. Farmers

    • In total, the number of users who added liquidity was more than the farmers.
    • The highest number of lp providers was on January 1st with 594.
    • The highest number of farmers was also on January 1st with 256.

    Retail VS. Protocol based on TVL

    • The most TVL made by retails.
    • The only day, that the protocol LP was noticeable was on June 19th.

    Profit and loss


    • The only month that had profit was February. This month the profit was 8853 USD.

    • The other month faced the lost.

      The month when had the most loss was January. This month the loss was -980

    Correlation between number of days and profit


    Most users lose their assets by closing their liquidity.

    • The highest amount of loss was on the liquidity that closed after 25 days.

      66.5k users lost their funds after 25 days.

    • The highest number of users who gained between 1k to 10k as profit closed their liquidity after 25 days.

    • In total, the highest number of users who gained more profit closed their liquidity between 0 to 25 days.