-What's Going on with FTX?-


    FTX Exchange

    FTX Exchange is a leading centralized cryptocurrency exchange specializing in derivatives and leveraged products. Founded in 2018 by MIT graduate and former Jane Street Capital international exchange-traded funds trader Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX offers a range of trading products, including derivatives, options, volatility products, and leveraged tokens. It also provides spot markets in over 300 cryptocurrency trading pairs, such as BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, XRP/USDT, and its native token, FTT/USDT.

    FTX Token (FTT) is a utility token that provides access to the FTX trading platform's features and services. It is also the native token of the FTX ecosystem.

    from ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps
    concat(symbol_in,'->',symbol_out) as pairs, 
    count(DISTINCT tx_hash) as total_tx, 
    count(DISTINCT origin_from_address) as total_user, 
    sum(amount_in_usd) as total_volume,
    avg(amount_in_usd) as avg_volume
    from swaps
    where amount_in_usd is not null 
    where total_tx > 800 
    and total_volume > 1000000
    and pairs is not null

    Swaps Per pairs


    Top 15 pairs






    Number of transactions

    Number of users

    • The highest number of transactions was on November 9th. On this day, the highest number of transactions belonged to WETH/USDC pool.
    • The total number of transactions on November 9th on this pair was 17.8k
    • The highest number of users who had swaps on FTX was on November 9th.
    • On this day, of all the users, most of the users preferred WETH/USDC pool.

    USD volume

    • The highest USD volume of all the swaps that happened on a single day, was on November 9th.
    • On this day, the highest USD volume belonged to USDT/USDC pair. The total USD volume of this pair was 732 million.
    • The average USD volume was the most on November 9th.
    • The average USD volume of USDC/USDT pair was the most on this day.
    • The average USD volume of USDC/USDT was almost 200k.

    The pair that had the highest number of transactions is WETH/USDC with 100k.

    The least number of transactions happens on WETH/STG pair with 3528.

    The highest USD volume belongs to WETH/USDD pair with 13.7 billion.

    The least USD volume belongs to WETH/USDM pair with25.8 million.

    • The highest number of inflow transactions was on November 4th. On this day, the highest number of transactions belonged to USDT with 1682 transactions.
    • The highest USD volume of all inflow transactions was on November 7th. On this day, the most USD volume belonged to USDC with 1.7 billion.
    • The token that has the most USD volume is USDC with 6.15 billion.
    • The highest outflow transactions were on November 7th. On this day, most of the transactions belonged to Looks with 144.
    • The highest number of outflow transactions belongs to USDC with 28.3k.
    • In total the least number of outflow transactions belongs to Mask with 84 transactions.
    • The highest USD volume was on November 7th. On this day, the highest USD volume belonged to Looks with 1.7 million.
    • The highest USD volume belongs to USDC with almost 6.3 billion.
    • The least USD volume of outflow transactions belongs to Ape with 7.3 million.