Algorand: 2022 Yieldly Staking Pool Analysis

    Q75. Let's get a better understanding of the YLDY staking pool usage in 2022. In 2022 what have been the most popular Yieldly staking pools by the amount of YLDY staked, the total number of stakers, and the average amount staked? Additionally, show us how staking pool participating has evolved over time in 2022. Do we see more wallets participating in staking pools now or less? Do we see more wallets participating in staking pools but committing less amounts? Note how behavior has changed around these staking pools. Does the price of ALGO impact the number of users participating and staking pools? Are there any standout wallets that have staked in a lot of these Yieldly staking pools? Note any other interesting findings about the Yieldly staking pools and their usage.