Algorand Fees 2022 Bounty
Algorand (ALGO) is a proof of stake blockchain platform and cryptocurrency designed to function like a major payments processor. ALGO, the native cryptocurrency of the Algorand platform, is used to secure the platform and reward the platform's operators.
There is no concept of gas fees on Algorand. The minimum fee for a transaction is only 1,000 microAlgos or 0.001Algos.
This dashboard will answer these questions:
- Amount of transaction fees paid per day since ==beginning of 2022==
- Wallets with most transactions
- Wallets with highest fee paid
- Total fee paid on all transactions since January 1, 2022
I used FlipsideCrypto database;
flipside_prod_db.algorand.transactions table
- Q1: How much fee was paid on Algorand since 2022-01-01 up to now per day?
Here we need to find daily fee, so I used SUM aggregator and FEE column (in flipside_prod_db.algorand.transactions
table) to calculate daily fees.
As you see above, since the beginning of 2022 most fee (about 5961 Algos) was paid on Jan 7 2022.
To find lowest total fee we both can use our eye to find the smallest bar (!) or to be smarter we can change the order from order by date
to order by fee
; Here is the new chart:
And if we ignore today (cuz its not complete yet), lowest total fee is in June 26 2022.
Q2: What wallets have the most transactions in this period?
To answer this question I used SENDER column and call it WALLET_ADDRESS, and use aggregator SUM on Tx_id and name it Tx_No to calculate number of all transactions and finally order my results by wallet_address and limit all results to 10.
Besides I tried to compute total fee per wallet paid too, so I add another aggregate (SUM) to FEE column as well.
Here is the final result:
As you see above the address “ZW3ISEHZUHPO7OZGMKLKIIMKVICOUDRCERI454I3DB2BH52HGLSO67W754“ has the most transactions ( more than 123 million!) in this period. To better understand of how much of all transactions is made by these top ten I uses donut chart:
64.4 percent of all transactions is made by “ZW3I…“
Now I try to compute the fee these huge wallets have paid separately;
At first I should say why total fee isn’t Tx_No * 0.001?
Well because we may use a contract that calls two other contracts that will cost 0.003 ALGO for fee! and other exceptions.
anyway as you see below, we cant say if a wallet has more transactions it must paid more fees!
For example look at 5th and 6th position: 5th position (4ZK3U…) has about 1.9 million transactions and paid about 1930 Algos but 6th position (J4BJW…) has about 1.7 million transactions (less than 5th) but paid more than 2000 Algos (more than 5th). Interesting :grinning:
Q3: How much have users on Algorand spent on transactions in total?
\n To answer this question we don’t face a hard work! I use SUM aggregator on Fee column of
table and call it Total_Fee_Paid and finally limit time by setting Block_Timestamp (as in all last queries in this bounty)
==More than 407k Algos was paid for fees on Algorand blockchain since beginning of 2022.==
And it was my first bounty:) thanks to Flipside to help me be here
> This analysis was created by MRFTI (Flipside, mrfti#7948 on Discord) on 4 July 2022 for Flipside Crypto's "Algorand Fees 2022 Bounty".