Quixotic NFT Dashboard
Create a secondary market dashboard for NFT sales on Quixotic, the largest NFT marketplace on Optimism!
We know there is a 2.5% marketplace transaction fee for Quixotic on each NFT sale. There are no marketplace fees to purchase or transfer an NFT.
So if we wanna know the income of Quixotic we only need to track sell transactions and find the address/addresses that is/are destination of Quixotic 2.5%.
As I checked, 0xeC1557A67d4980C948cD473075293204F4D280fd
is that final destination :grinning:. So lets get into it:
Lets start by counting all transactions made on this platform:
All 4 contracts transactions (since June 15, 2021) are shown in this chart in daily timeframe.
These transactions include all types of transactions including cancelling sell or filling sell.
Quixotic NFT Dashboard
The Quixotic is the largest NFT marketplace on Optimism (Ethereum layer 2 blockchain) in which users can trade NFTs in milliseconds and save 10-100x on gas fees.
This dashboard will investigate into this platform to check its different properties.
I used
- Flipside crypto database,
table- Quixotic help
At first step we should find Quixotic contracts, I used three methods to reach this goal:
Tracking some transactions on in different times.
finding addresses related to Quixotic in
table by ADRESS_NAME LIKE "‘&quixotic%’ . -
finding unique ADDRESS related to quixotic in
Most complete result was for last method and here is the result:
Reasons of existing 4 different contract for Quixotic are contract exploit or contract migration to Seaport etc.
- Most daily transactions have been done on Jul 27, 2022 with 2443 transactions.
- Least daily transactions is for Jul 2, 2022 (Contract exploit date)
- Most of transactions have been done in interact with 0x3f9da… contract.
- This contract was active since 2022-07-02 18:26:47 till 2022-08-02 17:59:30 .
Quixotic maximum daily income was on June 23, 2022 with more than 17.7 ETH (or 40k$)
After contract exploit (On July 1st), Quixotic income decreased so much
Most daily sales was on Jul 27, 2022 with 2100 sales.
Most daily volume was on Jun 23, 2022 with more than 708 ETH (1.6m$) volume.
Most daily unique buyers was on Jun 15, 2022 with 635 users.
Most daily unique sellers was on Jul 27, 2022 (date of most daily sales) with 1397 unique users.
Daily trading volume decreases after contract exploit but daily sales number and daily unique users not affected so much by this event (and all of them increase significantly after Jul 26th)
This increasing in users caused a 231% increase in trading volume too.
> This analysis was created by MRFTI (Flipside, mrfti#7948 on Discord) on 3 August 2022 for Flipside Crypto's Optimism Quixotic NFT Dashboard bounty.