'insufficient funds for outbound request' refund reason
Note "refund" events in block results, e.g. https://midgard.ninerealms.com/v2/debug/block/8819656
For the large jump in refund attempts on 2022-11-15, the only two target assets were BNB.TWT and BNB.BUSD .
For BNB.BUSD, the largest refund was in block 8231961.
For that block, for BNB.BUSD, there were only three Yggdrasils with more than the 1 USD minimum outbound fee.
In the same block, there were three ActiveVault Asgards containing BNB.BUSD, and by the current code any outbound requiring all three could only be sent by the Yggdrasils if at all.
Of the five RetiringVault Asgards in that block, only two had non-zero BNB.BUSD balances, with one ~12.4 and the other having less than 1 BNB.BUSD, thus the RetiringVaults were unable to satisfy an outbound of value over 5 BNB/BNB.
By 2022-12-22, there were only two Yggdrasils with over the minimum BNB.BUSD outbound fee, and problems worsened.
When exactly one viable Yggdrasil balance remains of an asset, outbounds from any Asgard for that asset under the current code may become impossible.
At time of writing, after !2534 (2022-10-01) the assets which had ‘insufficient funds’ swap failures
Please note Issue #1423 and (unmerged at time of writing) Merge Request !2644 .