FLOW Usage During the NBA Playoffs


    Q19. Analyze the NBA Conference Finals (May 17th- May 29th) and determine whether it had an impact on NBA Top Shot's volume. Did the Warriors, Celtics, Mavericks, or Heat see higher sales volume?

    This dashboard will analyse whether the has been an increase in the popularity of NBA Top Shot’s NFTs during the NBA finals. I have increased the date range in order to spot if there has been a significant increase during the finals, in comparison to before and after the finals. I will look into the following aspects of NBA Top Shots between the 14th of May and the 2nd of June:

    • The daily number of NBA Top Shots sales
    • The daily sales volume
    • The average sales volume per each transaction.

    By looking at the count of NBA Top Shots sales, we can see that there definitely has been an increase from 15th of May to 16th of May, as the number of sales jumps from 19.3k to 28.4k, which is a big increase! We can also see that this increase is present during the finals, and only starts dropping around the 28th of May. Let’s look at the sales volume next to see if the increase during the finals is also present there.

    Firstly, we’re immediately drawn to the huge spike of sales volume on the 19th of May, where almost $827k has been spent on NBA Top Shots NFTs! In addition, we can see that as the finals were starting, the sales volume jumps from $292k to $450k on May 15th-16th, which means users were keen to buy the NBA NFTs from the start of the finals conference. This increase in sales is visible throughout the rest of the finals, with another big spike of almost $610k on the 31st of May. This date is 2 days after the finals have finished - but it can be assumed that this spike is closely correlated to the final game. It probably took NBA fans a few days to cool down after the final game to purchase highlights of their favourite players in a form of NBA Top Shots NFT!

    The next step is to look at the average volume per sale on a daily basis to see if users were keen to spend more per NFT during the NBA finals in comparison to before or after the finals conference.

    The two biggest spikes that we can see here follow the analysis stated above - that the biggest increase in average volume per sale occurred on May 19th and May 31st. Again, this follows the idea that users were keen to spend more money per NFT right after the finals started, as well as 2 days after they have finished. What is also interesting here, is that the average amount spent per each NFT stayed quite constant in between the spikes. Comparing this to the amount spent per NFT before and after the finals, there is not that much difference. For example, before the finals conference started, users were spending between $15 and $17 to buy a NBA Top Shots NFT - whereas during the finals, this amount shifted to between $14 and $21 - which is not that different after-all. What this data tells me is that on May 19th and 31st there was more users who wanted to buy a lot more expensive highlights from the games than throughout the finals.

    Here we can see the two spikes in sales visualised in a different way - it is very clear that the beginning of the finals, as well as the end of them, has caused a big increase in the sales volume of NBA Top Shots!

    Next, let’s look at the teams that took part in the finals specifically - and analyse their sales!


    We can see that during the few weeks of the finals conference, Golden State Warriors have had the biggest number of sales which summed to the biggest sales volume. This is not surprising - they were the winners after-all!


    This dashboard has shown that the NBA Top Shots sales have increased quite significantly during the few weeks of the NBA conference finals. We have seen that the number of transactions, the total sales volume, as well as the average amount spent per NFT, have all increased right after the finals started, as well as a few days after the NBA winner has been announced.

    I have also investigated which of the four teams that made it into the finals have made the most NBA Top Shots sales and which team summed for the biggest volume - and we have seen that there is only one winner, Golden State Warriors!
