The Law Offices of NEAR

    Q7. Provide your best assessment of the number of smart contracts deployed on NEAR. What are the top 5 new smart contracts interacted in that period of your choosing?


    This dashboard investigates the number of smart contracts that have been deployed on NEAR. I will look into the daily number of successful deployments in the past 60 days, as well as the total all-time values for the deployments. Lastly, I will investigate what are some of the smart contracts that users have been interacting with the most on NEAR.


    In order to select only newly deployed smart contracts on NEAR, I have used the following filtering logic:

    • WHERE action_name ilike '%DEPLOYCONTRACT%' to be able to split data in the next step.
    • split((split((tr.TX_RECEIPT[0]:outcome:status), ':')[0]), '{')[1] ilike '%Success%' in order to only select the successful deployments - here the tx_receipt contains the information on whether the contract has been deployed or not.
    • METHOD_NAME = 'new' to only filter out the newly deployed contracts.

    Daily number of new smart contracts being deployed in the past 60 days


    Top 10 most interacted with smart contracts in the past 60 days


    As we can see, Aurora wins by far as the newly deployed smart contract - with almost 10M transactions! The next most interacted with newly deployed smart contract is Zoomland, with almost 200k transactions in the past 60 days - that’s a pretty big number!

    Lastly, as a bonus, let’s look at the creator side of things:

    Who deployed the most smart contracts?


    This dashboard has investigated three main things:

    • the daily number of new smart contracts being deployed in the past 60 days,
    • the total count of newly deployed smart contracts, as well as the overall count of deployment transactions,
    • the top 10 most interacted with new smart contracts, based on the number of transactions executed in the past 60 days,
    • the top 10 creators who have deployed the biggest number of smart contracts.

    We have found out that users interact the most with Aurora, Zoomland and Client.bridge; and that Zeenie.near has deployed the most smart contracts overall!

    This dashboard has been written by Nat. 💙
