1. CRV Token Uses

    The CRV token is a token created by Curve Finance, which allows for users to swap between different ERC-20 tokens and stablecoins. While the CRV token was created with the purpose of governance, as it can be locked to vote on protocols and earn a staking reward, owners of the token do other things with it as well. The main other use of the token looked at in this dashboard is to supply liquidity to liquidity pools, which earn the depositor rewards over time. One pool that people with the CRV token supply liquidity to is Uniswap's WETH/CRV V2 pool, which converts wrapped Ethereum to CRV and vice versa. The visualization below looks at the difference in deposits and withdrawals of the CRV token from this pool daily. The amount of withdrawals and deposits to this pool were much more volatile from around February to May of 2021, and have somewhat stabilized since, with less days with a large difference in withdrawal and deposit amounts. A second thing CRV holders do with their CRV is deposit it into Uniswap's USDN/CRV pool, which the second visualization in this dashboard looks at. The discrepancy between withdrawals and deposits into this pool is much less than that of the previous pool, with almost all data points being less than 50,000 USD, compared to many being over 1,000,000 USD in the WETH/CRV pool. Methodology: Data for the following visualizations was extracted from the ethereum.udm_events table. To find which pools CRV was deposited into, and how much, I filtered for transactions that had a contract_address equal to the CRV token's address, and then filtered by specific pools from Uniswap that had a large number of transactions. I then looked at if the CRV was coming in or out of the pool, and subtracted the amount withdrawn in USD from the amount deposited in USD by day.