10. The call is coming from inside the house

    This dashboard looks into the statistics behind the brief SUSHI price spike on December 8th, 2021, and whether this spike was driven by dex trades. The SUSHI price quickly shot up from around $5.80 to $6.80 in the span of a few hours, before slowly declining. To determine whether dex exchanges were behind the price jump, I first looked at the swap volume around the time of the spike. The first graph in this dashboard looks at the swap volume in the SUSHI-WETH, SUSHI-USDT, and SUSHI-USDC pools, versus the SUSHI price. Sure enough, at the time of the SUSHI price spike there was a spike in SUSHI trade volume. Interestingly, there was a much larger increase in trade volume just before the price spike that does not seem to correlate with the SUSHI price. The second metric I looked was the number of trades on the SUSHI-WETH, SUSHI-USDT, and SUSHI-USDC pools, versus the SUSHI price. This graph correlates even better with the SUSHI price than the swap volume graph, as a huge increase in trades almost exactly mirrors the huge price increase. Using both of these metrics, swap volume and number of swaps, we can determine that the increase in SUSHI price was indeed due to activity on dex pools, specifically the SUSHI-WETH, SUSHI-USDT, and SUSHI-USDC pools.