11. [Easy] Liquidity provision

    This dashboard looks at the liquidity provision to THORChain's liquidity pools. THORChain allows users to swap between assets from different blockchains, utilizing its native coin RUNE. The first graph in this dashboard looks at the daily volume change of each of the top four liquidity pools in October. Although I calculated all of the following metrics for the month of October, there seems to be a gap in liquidity pool data until about October 20th, so this data mostly deals with the end of October. To find the daily volume change I found the deposit amount for each day and then subtracted the withdrawal amount for that day. In general, the pools have been increasing in volume deposited, particularly on October 24th and 31st, where both the ETH and BTC pools had a huge volume of deposits. Despite this trend, there have been a few days where there was more withdrawn than deposited, such as on October 23rd when the XRUNE pool volume dropped by about $1.3 million. The next two graphs look at the number of unique addresses that either deposited or withdrew liquidity form the top four liquidity pools. From this we can see that the number of depositors has generally been a fair amount greater than the number of those withdrawing liquidity, although some days have seen more people withdrawing, such as on October 27th.