12. [Easy] Wallet population

    This dashboard looks at the activity of those with THORChain wallets. THORChain is a platform that allows for the swapping of assets from one blockchain to another. The first graph in this dashboard looks at the number of users who made a THORChain wallet versus the number of users that have actually made a transaction on the platform. To find users who have made a previous transaction, I found users who had either engaged in swaps or provided liquidity to the liquidity pools on the platform. The next graph looks at users who only provided liquidity versus the total users, and the final graph looks at users who only swapped on the platform. The difference in number of total users and number of users who have made a transaction was so great that a logarithmic scale had to be used on the graphs. The number of users who have only swapped is much greater than the number of users who have only provided liquidity, suggesting swapping is much more popular on the platform than providing liquidity.