131. Wormhole User Personas

    Wormhole is a cross-chain bridge that allows users to send assets from one blockchain to another. This dashboard seeks to identify what kind of Terra users utilize the Wormhole. In order to effectively categorize Terra Wormhole users, I created three user personas, LUNAtics - users who have staked LUNA, deposited on Anchor, and deposited into a liquidity pool HODLers - users that do not deposit their coins anywhere on Terra Whales - users with a wallet balance over $1,000,000 The number of LUNAtics that utilize the wormhole far outweigh the other user personas, with 2,310 wormhole users in this category. By far the least number of wormhole users are Terra whales, with only 6 users in this category. This is not very surprising as whales are one of the least common user types. I next looked at the daily average swap volume per user in each of the wormhole personas. The daily swap volume per user in the LUNAtics category is far below one, indicating that LUNAtics do not swap often. This could be because they have their money invested in different protocols or staked to governance, and so do not have the need to swap often. The whales swap volume graph is particularly interesting, as the swap volume per user is 0 on most days prior to November of 2021, where there was subsequently a tremendous increase in daily swap volume. This could be because many of the wormhole whales are new to the platform, which could signify growth in Terra. The last graph looks at the number of swaps of the HODLer group. The HODLer group had a high average number of swaps from February to May of 2021, although this number completely dropped off until October of 2021.