19. [Hard] Wen Sushi moon?

    This graph looks at different metrics of SUSHI price versus other decentralized exchanges, to determine whether SUSHI is a good investment. In my opinion, a good coin to invest in rises in price as the adoption/usage of its protocol increases. I first wanted to look at how the price of SUSHI compared to the volume on Sushiswap and the number of swaps completed. The price of SUSHI did not correlate much with volume on the platform, although it did somewhat correlate to the number of swaps completed. Interestingly, even though the number of swaps has recently increased, the price of SUSHI has decreased. I next looked at how the price of UNI, the token of the Uniswap exchange, compared to the number of swaps competed on the platform. The price of UNI is heavily correlated to the number of swaps on the platform, which is a good sign. However, both the price of UNI and number of swaps has seen a heavy downtrend over the last year, which does not make it an appealing investment. The last coin I looked at was the CRV coin, the price of which has actually been inversely correlated to the number of swaps completed. Even though the number of swaps has been steadily declining, the price of CRV has substantially increased over the last few months. This means that the price may see a correction soon, as it's increase is not actually tied to an increase in number of users on the platform. These factors make me hesitant to recommend any of these coins as a good investment.