2. Monthly Swap Volume

    This dashboard looks at the monthly swap volume in USD over the past year for both the Sushiswap and Uniswap protocols. Over the course of 2021, the monthly swap volume for Sushiswap has gone from a low of 5.86 billion to a high of 29.43 billion. The swap volume trend seems to be increasing after an initial drop in volume from May to June, with each subsequent month from July to October having a higher volume than the last. As for Uniswap, the swap volume also has generally increased over the year, with the first few months having by far the lowest volume. A logarithmic scale had to be used for this graph as the differences in swap volume from month to month were so great. Comparing Uniswap's and Sushiswap's volume is night and day, with the highest volume month for Sushiswap not even reaching the lowest volume month for Uniswap. This may be because Uniswap has been around for longer and is more established than Sushiswap. In addition, Uniswap released Uniswap V3 last year which gives it a leg up over Sushiswap and most likely resulted in more traffic.