2. Pool Players

    Anchor is a borrowing, lending, and savings protocol on the Terra blockchain. Users have many ways to increase their investment on the platform, including providing liquidity to its ANC-UST LP. This dashboard looks at different metrics of users providing liquidity to Anchor's ANC-UST pool. Looking at the first graph, the number of users providing liquidity has remain relatively consistent over time, with a sharp spike at its inception in March of 2021. There has also been an increase in users depositing funds over the last few months, with a large spike in mid-December of 2021. The wealth distribution of those who have deposited is largely skewed toward the lower end, with by far the most users having an account balance under $1000. Surprisingly few whales have deposited into the liquidity pool, with only 12 users with a balance higher than $100,000. I next looked at the change in the wealth distribution of users who deposited in November of 2021 versus December of 2021. The difference in distribution between the two months is negligible, although many more users provided liquidity in December compared to November. The last metric I looked at was whether more users who deposited in November or December were LUNA stakers. About 60% of users in November and December were LUNA stakers, suggesting that the makeup of depositors in Anchor's ANC-UST LP does not change substantially month to month.