2. Visualize governance staking of $MINE over time

    This dashboard looks at MINE and LUNA staking over time versus the price of LUNA. MINE is the governance token of the Pylon protocol, and can be staked to earn more MINE tokens. Pylon protocol is a platform on the Terra ecosystem which allows users a new way to pay for subscription based services. Rather than pay every month/year, the user deposits an amount up front for a predetermined amount of time, and receives the full value of the funds once the subscription ends. The service provider is paid through the interest those funds accrue over the lock up period. The first graph in this dashboard look at the sum of MINE tokens staked and unstaked daily, versus the price of LUNA. It seems that as the price of LUNA has risen, MINE staking has somewhat increased, although there have been an increased amount of days where large amounts of MINE were unstaked as well. The day with the highest difference in staking, July 25, 2021, had a net amount of 138.5 million staked. The day with the highest net amount of MINE unstaked, September 30, 2021, had about 94 million unstaked. Looking at the LUNA staking versus LUNA price, it seems as though staking and unstaking has decreased as LUNA price has risen, suggesting less interaction with staking over time. When LUNA first released, large amounts of LUNA were staked and unstaked, but over time this difference has lessened.