20. [Easy] Liquidity

    This dashboard looks at metrics of users withdrawing liquidity from THORChain's liquidity pools. THORChain is a protocol that allows for users to swap assets from different blockchains through the use of its liquidity pools. The first metric in this dashboard looks at the percent of users who have removed at least some of their liquidity since depositing. About 60% of liquidity providing users have removed liquidity thus far, which is not very surprising as the liquidity pool's APRs are constantly changing, and to get the most out of their investment users may want to switch what pool they are providing to every so often. In addition, users may want to remove liquidity to take profits, or invest in other protocols. The second metric looked at in this dashboard is the daily number of users removing liquidity from the top 4 LP's. As we can see from this chart, the number of users removing liquidity from the BUSD and BTC has risen dramatically since the beginning of October, and the ETH pool has had the highest amount of users removing liquidity in one day, at 131.