26. [Hard] Network Load

    This dashboard looks at network load on the THORChain network, which allows for the transfer of assets from differing blockchains, for example, a swap of BTC for ETH. THORChain has experienced several network shutdowns since its inception, some due to audits while others due to hacks or other network issues. The first metric in this dashboard looks at the volume of swaps per minute on the network. The minute with the highest number of swaps was on October 22nd at 3:44 AM, where 149 swaps were made. The month with the highest number of minutes in the top 10 was June, which had the highest swaps per minute four times. The next metric looks at the maximum daily swaps per minute, which as mentioned earlier belongs to October 22nd 2021, by a wide margin. The second highest has almost 40 swaps less. The maximum one-minute swap number seems to remain relatively stable from about mid-June 2021 to now, with mid-April to mid-June 2021 having a significantly lower one-minute number of swaps. The final metric in this dashboard looks at the minutes with the highest swap volume in USD. By far the greatest swap volume occurred on July 15th, 2021, at 7:36 AM, with a swap volume of almost $3.5 million. Interestingly enough, none of the top ten minutes with the highest number of swaps were in the top ten minutes by swap volume. This suggests that a few large trades are more likely to make up most of a high-volume minute than a large number of smaller trades.