83. Airdrop Summary

    This dashboard looks at several metrics of airdrops on the Terra ecosystem over the past 90 days, such as how many were claimed, how much money was claimed, how much money was claimed daily, and how often the airdrops were claimed. Over 500,000 airdrops were claimed on the Terra ecosystem over the past 90 days, and over $152 million worth of airdrops were claimed in total. The daily amount of money claimed spiked significantly on October 10th 2021, with over $45 million claimed on that single day, more than triple the second highest amount claimed over the past 90 days. Interestingly enough, the amount of airdrops claimed that day was not the highest over the past 90 days, which suggests one or more whales were responsible for the spike in amount of money claimed. The amount of airdrops claimed daily varied significantly, with the most being claimed on October 6th and 7th of 2021.