Osmosis Delegator Dispersion

    This dashboard contains metrics about delegators in Osmosis per validator. This includes e.g. stats about delegation amount, delegator activity etc

    Osmosis Delegators

    Content 🎯

    Tab 1 : Delegator counts

    • Historic delegator count growth
    • Rank vs Delegator count
    • Trend towards smaller validators

    Tab 2 : Delegator sizes

    • Rank vs Median & Average
    • Stake centralization

    Tab 3 : Delegator activity

    • Transaction activity
    • Validator "specialization"
    • Validator vs Delegator age

    Tab 4 : Raw data


    Dashboard Parameter


    This is the minimum of $OSMO required for a delegator to be included in any calculations & everything on this entire dashboard.

    There is a very high amount of delegators sitting a tiny fractions of $OSMO delegations messing with the numbers, I recommend using either 1 or 10!


    Validator Rank

    For the scope of this dashboard I will be using the rank for the ranking in terms of total active stake / voting power across validators.


    • This dashboard does not include superfluid staking
    • Staking data on flipside can have some inaccuracies, expect data to not match up exactly with numbers on e.g. mintscan

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    Definitions & Disclaimers