Rand Gallery Wallets

    Rand Gallery or short Rand is a decentralized NFT trading platform built on algorand. We'll take a look at the userbase of the platform, how many wallets interact with it regularly? How many new ones join the platform and how many leave it? How much volume is generated by few large wallets compared to the smaller ones? Lets dive right in!


    Wallet Counts


    The latest bar is incomplete as it's the timeframe we are currently in!

    • Looking at the past year we can see a clear trend: More and more wallets interact with Rand on a daily / weekly basis.
      • This more or less represents the recurring users
    • Using a monthly timeframe you can see a slight loss
      • Mostly caused by wallets buying something in those months but not being regular buyers
    • After a huge spike in september 2021 the amount of new users stayed more or less constant weekly, staying within 50% varience of 300 wallets per week
      • Fits to the trendline you can see on the total buyers graph

    The constant growth observed in the "Daily New Buyers" chart is perfectly reflected here too. Not a perfectly linear growth but suprisingly close to it.

    Wallet Behavior


    The averge wallet that bought NFTs on Rand did buy 22.81 NFTs. It seems very unlikely that the average user would buy that much. There is a good chance that few wallets buying a lot of NFTs caused this average number. Lets investigate and look at the distribution:


    This is more what you would expect:

    • About 50% of wallets bought at most 3 NFTs
    • Another 30% bought between 4 and 20 NFTs
    • Only 20% bought more than 20 NFTs

    A small fraction of wallets even managed to buy over 1000 NFTs!!!


    The 9 wallets buying the most NFTs account for 5% of the total NFT sales on Rand. In other terms the top 0.1% of wallets bought 5% of all NFTs.


    The top 9 wallets are reponsible for about 10% of the total trading volume in ALGO on Rand. Interestingly none of the top NFT buyers appear in the top volume wallets.


    Non Fungible Token (NFT)

    A non-fungible token (NFT) is a financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain, and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded. NFTs typically contain references to digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. Rand Gallery sells NFTs containing photos on the Algorand blockchain.