NFT marketplace



    What is Blur?

    Blur is a NFT Marketplace in the Ethereum Blockchain made for pro traders, which wanted a faster platform for trading NFT, so they built it. Blur is also a NFT Marketplace Aggregator which lets users navigate across other marketplaces, see live activity to “snipe reveals”, and manage their portfolio with advance analytics, it provides faster transactions and less gass usage than GEM.

    When Blur started?

    > 276 days before the launch date (October 19, 2022), blur was already working in a private beta, reaching the second highest volume in the space - BlurDAO

    Blur Official Accounts



    Dashboard Introduction

    For this Dashboard we’ll look first the Popular NFT Collections and Most Expensive NFT Sales.

    Then we’ll see the comparison between Blur Marketplace and their rivals.

    Then we’ll see the comparison between Blur as a Marketplace Aggregator and Gem the other one.

    Finally we’ll see if Blur can Reach Opensea or not and a Summary talking about Washtrading and the Blur Airdrop.

    The First Sale after Official Launch in Blur

    The first Sale was made in October 19 at 01:49:47, made by the buyer 0xe1749558e716eedc94c5651ea78d921432724cea, buying a NFT Boners Collection number #2211 in this transaction.

    2 Hours after this NFT was sold in this transaction, and then transfered by the new buyer to 0xe17 account again in this transaction.

    In the end Boners #2211 was purchased by

    0x20d9664d355302ab3cad5ad1b8d50862f093c8cb in this transaction.


    ←Boners #2211. since their sale in Blur, this NFT was sold 6 times:

    2 times in Blur - 1 time in Opensea - 3 times in x2y2

    📊Ethereum NFT Marketplaces Comparison (Total Sales/NFTs/Users) - Since First Blur Sale (01:49:47 October 19)📊


    🔎Sales Analysis🔍

    A common mistake to calculate the sales is counting different Transactions.

    Because a transaction (tx) can have multiples sales is necessary to count all tx and not unique tx.

    We can see in the donut of the Total Sales that Blur is in 2nd place in Total Sales, with 13.5%.

    • There is a difference of 7.92% between Blur and third place x2y2.
    • There is a difference of 64.9% between Blur and first place Opensea.

    🔎NFTs Collection Analysis🔍

    There are over 3233 distinct NFT Collections which interacted with Blur Marketplace. And more than 28.343 Unique NFTs by ID.

    • When i say more than, is because counting distinct NFT ID can have problems with distinct NFT collections with the same ID Number, so i don’t know if count distinct can count both.

    Blur== is in 2nd Place Again in total NFT Collections with a big difference of 48.2% against Opensea.

    x2xy is catching up to Blur in NFT Collections with a difference of only 1.4%.

    In both NFT Collections and Unique NFTs Blur is in 2nd place.


    🔎NFTs Buyer and Seller Analysis🔍

    I’ll focus more in Buyers because these type of users interacted with ==Blur to bought an NFT, the seller can have their offer in other Marketplace but because of this sale, the seller will be counted as part of Blur.

    We can see that Blur is in 2nd place for both, buyers and sellers.

    having almost 49k of distinct Buyers with a total of 13.3%.

    • There is a big difference of 59.2% between Blur and first place Opensea.
    • A difference of 4.43% between third place x2y2 and Blur

    🔎Royalty Fees ($USD) Analysis🔍

    After a Sale, Marketplaces charge an amount of Fees for them, in case of Blur:

    • Users can decided not to pay Royalty Fees, but if they pay them, they will have more chances at winning Blur Airdrops.
      • I’ll talk about Airdrops later!.

    We can see that Opensea have 93.2% or 28.3M of the total royalty fees volume, with Blur being at second place with 1.24M.

    • Blur difference between Opensea is 89.11% or 26.5M approx.
    • Blur difference between third place x2y2 is 2.78% or 893K approx.

    Larva Labs, Nftx and Sudoswap doesn’t charge Royalty Fees.

    🔎Volume of Sales ($USD) Analysis🔍

    Blur in Total Sales Volume is at 4th place, is strange for a Marketplace which has more than double of the total sales in comparison with x2y2, or Looksrare which have only 1.01% of the total sales, to explain this i have 2 theories:

    • Looksrare/x2y2, have a lot of expensive NFT sales.
    • or they’re Washtrading.
      • I’ll talk more about this at the end.

    Aside from that, Sales Volume difference against Opensea isn’t as great with only 22% between Opensea and Blur.

    • 3.2% difference between Blur and Looksrare.
    • 5.2% difference between Blur and x2y2.

    📊Ethereum NFT Marketplaces Comparison (Sales Volume/Fees/Gas) - Since First Blur Sale (01:49:47 October 19)📊

    🔎Transaction Gas ($USD) Analysis🔍

    Opensea and Blur are the Marketplaces most active in sales, so these both also have the most Gas used.

    Blur has made a total of 9.06M or 24.5% of the Total Gas used for NFT Sales.

    • The difference between Blur and first place Opensea is 41.6% or 15.34M Approx.
    • The difference between Blur and third place x2y2 is 17.65% or 6.53M Approx.

    By the amount of Gas we can see that Blur is a successful project, with a lot of activity in comparison with the rest of Marketplaces.

    🔎Gas, Fees and Sales in ($USD) Analysis🔍

    I decided to leave the Maximum values in a separated chart with Logarithmic scale, for a better comparison.

    Royalty Fees: Larva Labs, Nftx and Sudoswap aren’t considerate in this analysis because they don’t charge royalty fees.

    • Minimum Value is always 0 for all Marketplaces, Blur and x2y2 are the only marketplaces with more than half of the sales without royalty fees, because median is 0.
    • The Average Royalty Fee charged by Blur is the 2nd cheapest with 3.5 $USD, with x2y2 at first place with 2.7 $USD.
    • Blur Maximum Royalty Fee charged is at 3rd place in being the expensive and the cheapest with 4645 $USD.

    NFT $USD Sale: I didn’t want to use Log Scale, but Larva Labs messes up with the scale having the highest Average and Median Sale Volume.

    • Blur Average Sale is $567, this amount is higher than Opensea which have $228 but lower than x2y2 with $1805.
    • Blur Median Sale is $45.95 this amount is higher than Opensea which have $36.49 but lower than Rarible $155, Sudoswap $97 and Looksrare $210.
    • Blur Maximum Sale is $342k is at 5th place below Larva Labs $741k, Looksrare 2.58M (1st Place), Opensea 937k and x2y2 1.12M.
    • Aside from Rarible and x2y2 the minimum sale is $0.
    • We can asume that Larva Labs, Looksrare and x2y2 suffers from washtrading, because these sales number aren’t ordinary.
      • More info at the end.

    Gas Usage:

    • Blur Minimum gas is $1.72 an amount higher than Opensea $1.05 but lower than Nftx $3.02 (Most Expensive) and Looksrare $2.01.
    • Blur Average Gas is the highest of all with $26.2, Opensea at $12.14
    • Blur Median Gas is the second highest with $12.85, Opensea at $4.98
    • Blur Maximum Gas is the second highest with $1511 below Opensea at $9577

    📊Ethereum NFT Marketplaces Daily Comparison (Total Sales/Sales Volume/Buyers) - Since First Blur Sale (01:49:47 October 19)📊


    In the End we see that Blur is a successful NFT Marketplace and Aggregator, beating most of the Marketplace except for Opensea, and beating by far the other NFT Marketplace Aggregato==r Gem.

    But there is one problem which is NFT Washtrading this Happens when a NFT is Sold by a high price but the Seller and Buyer are colluding between them, and they can be the same person, or two different people colluding with the goal of making an inflation in NFTs Prices, Because of this we can’t compare effectively the Marketplaces in Sales Volume.

    • Is really difficult to filter these type of trades so thats the reason i didn’t include an analysis without the washtrading because there can be multiple if not a big amount of different wallets being colluding between them.
    • Other goal of washtrading Is directly related to Airdrops, because people can make a lot of sales without losing money (Only Gas/Fees) and NFTs with the goal to Farm the amount of Sales and have better chances at getting Airdrops.
    • During November The amount of Sales in Blur spiked which correlated with the announce of their second airdrop, so there must be heavy NFT Traders which are seeking to win these airdrops making a lot of sales between their colluding wallets.

    Aside From that, Blur is by far a successful Project and there is a lot of User Participation, it can boost all the ==Marketplace== Activity as an ==Aggregator and be the 2nd most Popular ==Marketplace below Opensea in Ethereum


    Using FlipsideCrypto== Data from Ethereum Tables:

    ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales, here i can get all the info about sales specifically:

    • Sales: Count tx_hash. You don’t need to use distinct, because a tx_hash can have multiples sales.
    • NFTs: Count distinct nft_address for NFT Collections, Count distinct tokenid for Unique NFTs by ID.
    • Buyers & Sellers : count distinct buyer_address / Seller_address for Buyers and Sellers.==
    • Royalty Fees: sum/max/median/avg creator_fee_usd for Royalty Fees.
    • Sales Volume: sum/max/min/avg/median price_usd for Sales Volume.
    • Gas Usage: sum/max/min/avg/median tx_fee_usd for Gas Used.
    • Marketplace: Platform_name To get The Marketplace Name.
    • Aggregator: Aggregator_name To get The Aggregator Name.
    • Collections Name where inserted manually according to their nft_address and coin360 information.
    • Look My SQL to know how i make the “Stella/Star” Table.

    Made by Popex404, Twitter Link Here


    🏆Top NFT Collections in Blur Marketplace🏆


    🏆The Most Attractive Metric is going first! Top NFT Collections!🏆

    I’ll be honest, i can put a lot of charts showing the difference between the NFT Collections and although they’re better in showing exact numbers and value difference, is going to be harder to see which are the best of the best.

    So i created this table to show you, the total NFT Collection which made it to the top 10 and which are the ones that excel in all these metrics.

    The best NFT Collections are:


    This ranking isn’t absolute, for example Art Gobblers has the most Volume by far than the rest of NFT Collections and the most Royalty Fees Volume.

    This ranking only awards the collections that made to the top 10 in all the different areas and is one of many ways to.


    Friendship Bracelets #26154 ArtBlocks


    Keeper #9909

    🏆Honorable Mentions - NFTs Sales Most Expensive🏆

    🥇NFT #5979 from Bored Ape Yacht Club Collection, was the NFT Sale most expensive of 215 $ETH or in Equivalent $USD Price on that day $342075.29. Transaction - Buyer (holysmonkey.eth)

    • This user is still holding their NFT at the moment.

    🥈NFT #5889 from Azuki, is at second place with a sale of 150 $ETH or 180183.97 $USD on that day, Transaction - Buyer (ubuntu08)

    🥉NFT #1334 from Azuki, is at third place with a sale of 135 $ETH or 172701.73 $USD on that day.

    Transaction - Buyer (luggis.eth)


    Bored Ape Yacht Club #5979


    Azuki #5889


    🔎Daily Analysis🔍

    NFT sales and NFT Buyers are pretty similar because we can Blur uptrend, and at the start of November Blur is in 2nd place daily.

    NFT Sales: During October Blur and x2y2 were fighting for 2nd place, but from November onwards Blur claims their permanent spot without losing again.

    • Opensea and Blur activity correlates in most of the spikes except for two specific days.
      • November 4 Was the first spike for Blur with 15.5k Sales meanwhile Opensea (34k Sales) was slowly uptrending after hitting a valley the day before.
      • December 4 Blur reach a spike again of 12k Sales and Opensea reach a valley with 36k Sales.
    • November 6 Blur reach their biggest spike with 15,637 Sales

    NFT Buyers: During October Blur and x2y2 were fighting for 2nd place, but from November onwards Blur claims their permanent spot without losing again.

    • November 4 (3715 ==Buyers), November 6 (3771 Buyers) and December 4 (4229 Buyers) also presents spikes.
      • In December 4 Opensea reach a valley with 13,786 Buyers.

    NFT Sales Volume:== The Most Struggling Chart, because of washtrading.

    • In November 2 Blur reach their biggest spike (19M $USD) and is the 1st Marketplace in Sales Volume on that day.
    • Most of the days Blur is fighting with Looksrare and x2y2 and is difficult to notice specific correlations, but there are days like November 10 or November 15 in which all of three marketplaces are correlated.

    Blur and Opensea have most of the daily Sales and Buyers, but in Sales Volume x2y2 and looksrare are competing too.

    📊Ethereum NFT Marketplace Aggregator Comparison-Since First Blur Sale (01:49:47 October 19)📊

    Blur is both a NFT Marketplace and a NFT Marketplace Aggregator, but before Blur the only Ethereum Aggregator was GEM.

    • A NFT Marketplace Aggregator is a platform that allow users to navigate all NFT Marketplaces without the need to visit them.
      • Blur compares direct against GEM with being more Faster, and having a better User Interface with more Data.


    Since Blur Launch, we can see that Blur is more popular than Gem as an Aggregator.

    • Blur has 423,808 more NFT Sales than Gem


    • Blur has 15,823 More Unique NFTs Sold than Gem.

      • But has 121 Unique NFT Collection Sold less than Gem.


    • Blur has 35,533 more Unique NFT Buyers than Gem

    • Blur has $222,475,184.46 More $USD in Sales Volume than Gem.

      • Blur has $292 more $USD in Average Sale Volume than Gem.
      • And $18.55 more $USD in Median Sale Volume than Gem.
      • And $212,065 more $USD in Maximum Sale Volume than Gem.
    • Blur has $110,969,26.34 More $USD in Gas Used than Gem.

      • And $4.59 more $USD in Average Gas Used than Gem.

      • And $2.23 more $USD in Median Gas Used than Gem.

      • And $0.35 more $USD in Minimum Gas Used than Gem.

      • And $1,064.39 more $USD in Maximum Gas Used than Gem.


    Blur is the Favorite NFT Marketplace Aggregator


    Is Blur Reaching Opensea?

    I decided to run some experiments on the right:

    • First i get all the data about Blur when is used as a marketplace or aggregator.
    • Second i get all the data about Opensea when is used as a marketplace.
    • Third i get all the data about Opensea without Blur as Aggregator.
    • Fourth i get all the data about Opensea with Blur as Aggregator.

    We can see that without Blur the numbers lower considerably for Opensea, but these numbers doesn’t correlate when i get Opensea data with Blur Only.

    So i’ll asume that the 3rd experiment was a failure.

    In the end if we consider Blur as a whole (Marketplace and Aggregator), it can’t reach the same numbers of Opensea with all the data.

    But still the amount of Sales provided to Opensea as Aggregator benefits both of them
