DEX Change
Analyzing Osmosis during all the year in differents aspects!.
This week has highlighted the need for transparency & decentralization in crypto markets. Let's see how users have reacted to this wild week in Web3. Have behaviors changed? Analyze growth in Osmosis Volumes & User Count this week.
Has more money flowed into Osmosis this week compared to the past few weeks/months? Where is this money coming from? Centralized Exchanges? Have wallets moved more into stables?

What is Osmosis?
Osmosis is a Layer-1 Blockchain built on the Cosmos framework, operates a DEX and the OSMO is the native token which serves as governance and staking for users.
- DEX: A peer-to-peer market where users can buy and sell assets (Crypto-tokens) without giving their private keys to an intermediate.
How Osmosis is doing this year?
Is the question this dashboard will answer, looking for some correlation in differents areas of Osmosis with the important events during this year.
I’ll use growth ratios by (days/weeks/months), to compare these areas, and a DAU vs WAU vs MAU to compare user retention by the months.
DAU/WAU/MAU = (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) Active Users.
Growth rate (DoD/WoW/MoM): The percentage of growth in comparison with the previous (Day/Week/Month).
How this Dashboard Works?
User Activity (UA) in Osmosis:
- UA for Transfers
- UA for Swaps
- UA for Liquidity
- UA for Bridge
Total Activity (TA) in Osmosis:
- TA for transactions
- TA for Transfers
- TA for Swaps
- TA for Bridges
USD Volume (USDV) in Osmosis:
- USDV for Swaps
- USDV for Transfers
- USDV for Bridges
Stablecoins Swaps - Top 10 Addresses by USD Volume (Transfer In / Bridge)
- Stablecoins Swaps
- Top 10 Addresses by Usd Volume
Swappers also starts to appear at higher amounts in 2022, being the week of January 17 and February 14 the best in New users percentage (35% with 18k of new users and 38% with 25k of new users, the biggest number)
The percentage of new swappers starts to decrease over time, it’s seems to increase during October, but in the end of the month starts to decrease, it’s seems to be a slightly increase of this percentage of new users during the week of the FTX events, but again these numbers can’t compare with the latest spike of swappers activity at October 24.
March 2022 is the best month again with swapper activity, October didn’t won to January this time, with the latest months from June to September 2022 again the worst in this year, but they’re still better against themselves 1 year ago.
There is a small amount of providers of Liquidity which appear during the week of September 13 and November 8 in 2021, with percentage of 31% (2407 new) and 30% (4081 new), these percentages are with a small total of liquidity providers, the numbers starts to being bigger again in 2022, with January 17 again with a spike of 32% of New users (10459) and the week of March 14 the best in new providers of liquidity (12k)
In this case the week of the FTX event, didn’t increase the numbers of liquidity providers, but was still a good week in comparison with the others past weeks.
Again March was the best months for liquidity providers, and the months from June to October 2022 are really bad against the first months of the Year, but still better than themselves one year ago.
Traders in Osmosis start to appear in high amounts at the start of 2022, with the week of January 17 the better for new users with a percentage of 51% of new users (50k) over 47k of active users in that week and March 7 of 2022 being the week with most New traders arriving (62k)
The percentage of new users start to decrease over time reaching their lowest numbers in the past 3 weeks, Although the percentage of new users during the FTX event (November 7) is low, is sightly more higher than the week before (October 31), but didn’t reach the same numbers as the latest spike in traders activity at October 24.
It’s seems that March 2022 have the better numbers of active users, but the latest month of October 2022 have more active users than January 2022, June to September are the worst months for active users in this year (2022), but if we compare them with the same months 1 year ago, they’re much better.
In terms of transactions the month with most activity is correlated with the numbers of active users and is March 2022.
January 2022 was the Month with most growth rate, and after that the growth rate starts to go downtrend with October the only Month with a positive growth.
As expected from June 2022 onwards the total transactions seems to be in a downtrend, Although October has positive growth the total activity isn’t higher in comparison with the others bad months of 2022.
But if we compare the transactions by week, the growth rate starts to bounce between 1 week positive, 1 week negative.
March 21 of this year presents the spike of activity and we can see that from June 6, the activity per week is being stable without change, in October the activity decreases a bit, but then increases until spike at November 7.
It’s seems that both Luna/Terra Crash (Week of May 9) and FTX Crash impact (Week of November 7) impacts Osmosis with an increment of total weekly activity.
March 2022 is again the month with most activity, this time in swaps, but May 2022 is closer with less than (200k of swaps).
January 2022 is again the month with most growth rate, but the months of March 2022 and May 2022 also presents a good spike in growth rate, July 2022 also have a good growth rate but after that this growth rate is going in the negatives.
It’s seems that after July the number of Monthly swaps is downtrending.
The week of March 24 in this year was the best in transfer activity, after that the growth rate starts to bounce between a good week (positive growth) and a bad week (negative growth)
Both Luna & FTX crash events correlates with a good week for transfers, although the number of total transfers doesn’t spike like in swaps, these weeks presents a positive growth and a subtle spike.
Because Satellite bridge opens recently in September, i’ll use this opportunity for a DoD growth.
Overall the last week of October seems to have a good amount of bridges, but these are smaller if we compare with the activity after the FTX incident, being the biggest spike in Bridges in Satellite, although i didn’t include the opening day (September 26) of Satellite, for a better view of activity.
January 2022 is the month with most growth rate, average volume and total volume for Swaps, March also have good numbers in total volume, but average is lower (thats because the numbers of active users spike at this month), still the growth rate is really good (25%) for this Month.
The first months of 2022 presents a higher amount of total volume swapped (+- the 1 Billion USD), but in June this number drops to 200-300M USD which these months (June onwards) will present in their total.
After March, the weekly swap volume in Osmosis starts to downtrend, until the Terra/Luna incident where the total/average volume and growth rate spikes really high, being the week of May 9 the highest in total volume swapped.
After that crash the swapped volume starts to go in a downtrend again reaching their lowest value in these months, until the last weeks of October, were the growth ratio spikes again (but the total volume isn’t as half of total volume from the weeks on Q1).
The FTX crash also impacts on the swapped volume reaching a spike similar to the last week of October.
With the daily charts we can see that the last week of October (26 to 30) were the days with the highest swapped volume (In the last 30 days), and these days the swapped volume was higher than the days during the FTX Crash in (November 7 to 11).
Although both days presents a really good growth rate.
Incoming transfer volume seems to have explosive numbers in some weeks with volume reaching the Billions USD, but these don’t appear in the Outgoing Transfer Volume, in their respective weeks, and these volume are from successful transfers only.
Outgoing transfer volume seems a lot smaller in volume amount but we can identify some spikes during the events of Luna/Terra (May 9) and FTX crash (November 7)
We can see that in the past 30 days, most of the swappers were swapping all type of assets, and only a 30% of them were swapping stablecoins (Donut Chart).
But starting from October 6 (Line Chart) the number of swaps (From/To) Stablecoins starts to increase, reaching a spike in November 9.
So a lot of wallets moved into stablecoins during the FTX Crash.
Both Top 10 charts were from the last 9 days, starting at November 7.
It’s seems that the top 3 wallets from both charts were:
- stars1u75hcvzppcdw0przk4ak8a9zm460n37k67pr6q #1
- stars18qw9ydpewh405w4lvmuhlg9gtaep79vygx0d08 #2
- stars14snerzmr6vldrzy7zcmdjnk4uv6wmdn4gqh844 #3
Top 1 seems to be a trader, with constant activity, second place seems to be an user which swapped accross different chains during the incident leaving all their assets in their main account (which isn’t stargaze), third place is a Whale wallet.
- axelar1y7087ld7nc6259f9dx2h0wru93p7jejw5dzzgs #1
- axelar1tqctx98qz2aa25j5knzuztxaerl3z0ldt4lqre #2
- axelar1n3ugkga3vajhu7a2ejxc6euzk9z8ysvpxcwjjq #3
Top1 seems to be a trader, it’s seems to be moving different assets across chains with constant activity, second place also was trading a lot during the incident but in the past 2 days didn’t use their axelar account, third place is a recently new Whale user, it don’t have too much activity but it has funds.
By the type of accounts, seems that most money inflows to Osmosis are from traders which are using Osmosis as DEX to swap assets, CEX activity isn’t present during the FTX Crash in Osmosis
I’ll try to resume the timeline of Osmosis:
Osmosis start in June 2021, with the number of active users is slowly increasing, and thanks to the cryptoboom, the average volume and total volume is really high which can be saw in the month of January 2022.
January 2022 the Good Month for Osmosis, here the growth ratios in most aspects spikes with a lot of active and new users using this DEX-Chain.
Then comes February, because this month have less days the number of activity and volume is downtrending.
In March is where Osmosis was at their busiest with this month having the:
- Highest Active & New users numbers.
- Highest number of transactions.
- A high Volume also.
After that April the crypto starts to go downtrend in general so also happens to Osmosis.
In May there is positive growth as a month, but in the week of the Terra Luna Crash May 9 there are some important events:
- The Highest Number of Swaps Transactions and Volume (Weekly) and probably (Daily) too.
- Transfer Volume and activity seems to be positive in this week, but isn’t as remarkable as the swaps.
After May, Total activity and Volume downtrends, and “May” never reach these values again.
From June to September there aren’t notable trends to highlight here
- Satellite Bridge appears in September 26, with a lot of activity the 27, but then it’s starts to downtrend.
October starts as a really bad month with weeks without too much activity, but when it reaches the last week, happens something!.
Binance announces that OSMO will be in the Innovation Zone.
- Because of that, the Swap volume of Osmosis reach a spike again, same with the bridges and user activity + new users, so October ends as a Good Month.
In November there is the FTX Crash during the week of November 7 and:
- There is a smaller spike in swap volume, but bigger in total swaps (In comparison with Binance Event)
- Bridge activity spikes again in both volume and user activity (Highest than Binance)
- User activity is lower than binance, but still a positive growth.
- Swappers starts to swap more Stablecoins.
- A lot of Users starts to make inflow to Osmosis to swap.
- CEX activity isn’t spotted during the events.
That is my report about Osmosis during this Year. Osmosis is a DEX-Chain for Swappers, and they’re always appear during important events.
Binance play an important Role for the latest 2 spikes during FTX Crash and Binance Innovation Zone.
Luna/Terra Crash was the biggest event for swappers in this Year.
January and March 2022 were the best months for Osmosis.
- Using Flipside Osmosis Data tables:
- Osmosis.Core.(Transfers/Swaps/Transactions): To get the info about these areas.
- Prices table: to get the USD value of the differents assets in Osmosis.
- For this dashboard i tried to use some different charts trying to show overall growth on different areas in osmosis, it may seem repetitive but they’re very good to analyze by a certain time period.
- Respective Credits in their SQL.
Important Events for Osmosis this Year.
- Luna/Terra Crash: The fall of this Blockchain and Native token price, was really important for Osmosis, being “Neighbors” on the Cosmos Environment, So Osmosis play an active role during these events with users trying to swap their assets before their lost more value.
- This events starts on May 7, but is the week of May 9 the one most affected.
- Satellite Opens: Axelar Bridge, brings Osmosis as a chain to transfers assets between other blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Binance and more.
- Satellite starts their activity during September 26
- Binance: Binance listed OSMO in the innovation Zone, which brings a lot of attention for new and active users.
- The trading opens October 28.
- Alameda/FTX Crash: In the past week of November another crash like the luna/terra happens, this time for FTX and Alameda, a lot of investors are leaving the crypto environment, with the fear of lose more money.
- This Event starts on November 6, onwards