Flow Scavenger Hunt: Flowverse (June 29)

    Flowverse has a variety of projects, a lot of them are in progress or have a few days after launch.

    The projects that catch most of my attention were

    • NBA Top Shot: The most strong project in the flowverse, the top 1 with a lot of potential because of the partnership with the NBA, the projects look to transform the highlights in NFTs.
    • Zeedz: a NFT project where people can grow up and evolve plant insipired creatures, these creatures looks are cute and i’m really looking forward to see how they’re going to “evolve” or “grow up” these plant monsters. Also this project seeks to funds real world climate protection projects so i hope they can make partnerships with fundations in the future that seeks the same goal.
    • Attack on Titan: Legacy: A coming soon NFT project in, brought by Anique USA and licensed by Kodansha, where they look to make the iconic moments of the Anime as a NFT collection. This has a lot of potential considering that the end of the anime series is coming soon the next year, so is probably going to have a lot of activity in the first Quarter of 2023.

    There is a lot of NFT projects which seeks to convert highlights as NFT, others where people can make their own unique NFT, and where they can use to interactuate in the metaverse.

    The strong NFT project is the NBA which is going to be the pillar of the flowverse in the future i think.

    My transactions in flow is an empty flowchart like my wallet, to make the system accept my dashboard.
